1. |
Bundesliga-toto: 23.fordulo tippszelvenye (mind) |
27 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Congratulations, You're a finalist (mind) |
58 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
University Degree (mind) |
25 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
A Total Internetworking Solution (mind) |
41 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
noi kosarlabda MK donto - idopontvaltozas!!! (mind) |
14 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
noi korarlabda magyar bajnoksag (mind) |
35 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Sakkora (mind) |
8 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Noi kosar (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Bundesliga-toto: 23.fordulo tippszelvenye (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
SC Freiburg - TSV 1860 Munchen
1. FC Kaiserslautern - Hansa Rostock
FC Bayern Munchen - 1. FC Koeln
Hertha BSC Berlin - SpVgg Unterhaching
VfL Bochum - VfB Stuttgart
Hamburger SV - VfL Wolfsburg
Schalke 04 - Borussia Dortmund
Eintracht Frankfurt - Werder Bremen
Bayer Leverkusen - Energie Cottbus
A tippszelvényt innen kivagva is tippelhetsz. Goltoto es 1x2 toto.
Kerlek, goltoto-jellegu tippeket irj !
Figyelj oda a cimzesnel, ne valamelyik listara kuldd a leveled,
hanem a vagy cimre.
A tippeket a meccsek után ird, es ne keverd meg a meccsek sorrendjet.
Bekuldesi hatarido : februar 23. 16 ora
Udv : Hunyi
Goltoto-jatek a magyar es a nemet bajnoksagra :
mail: vagy
+ - | Congratulations, You're a finalist (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
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<title>You signed up back in May for our free cruise tickets for two</title>
<p>You signed up back in May for our free Vacation Packages for two.
you are a finalist for one of our free Vacation Packages. Your tickets will
be delivered to you
within 7-10 days via US Mail. You must click on the link below and fill out
information exactly as it will appear on your tickets. You may leave the
party blank if you are not sure who will be going with you but you must
us via telephone at least 10 days prior to departure with the second
name. This will all be explained to you in the brochures coming out to you.
you have any questions contact me via e-mail at .
keep in mind<br>
that there are 50 winners of this trip and it might take me a little while to
get back to you.<br>
Thanks Pete<br>
<a href=3D"">Please Click Here</a></p>
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+ - | University Degree (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Obtain a prosperous future, money earning power,
and the admiration of all.
Diplomas from prestigious non-accredited
universities based on your present knowledge
and life experience.
No required tests, classes, books, or interviews.
Bachelors, masters, MBA, and doctorate (PhD)
diplomas available in the field of your choice.
No one is turned down.
Confidentiality assured.
CALL NOW to receive your diploma
within days!!!
Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including
Sundays and holidays.
+ - | A Total Internetworking Solution (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Dear valued customer,
I'm writing to let you know about a new premier Internet service now being off
ered. Its called
Big Planet!
And I couldn't be more excited to bring this offer to you!
If you're like most people, you probably want a single place that will provide
with services such as:
ˇ Secured shopping on line
ˇ A long distance calling provider with low rates, provide paging and wireless
ˇ Total e-commerce provider
But didn't think anything would really work.
Maybe you've tried other providers only to find out they don't really do what
they claim. That's because those other providers can't give the results that Bi
g Planet can and this is just the tip of the iceberg!
So if you've ever wanted a single place for all of your Internet connection ne
eds - now
is the time to act. So what are you waiting for!
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+ - | noi kosarlabda MK donto - idopontvaltozas!!! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Az noi kosarlabda Magyar Kupa donto eredeti idopontjat a TV kozvetites miatt
egy nappal eltoltak.
2001. marcius 15. (csutortok):
16.30: GySEV-Ringa - Diosgyori KSK
19.00: Soproni Postas-Taban Trafik - MiZo-Pecsi VSK
2001. marcius 16. (pentek):
11.30: 3. helyert: az elodonto vesztesei egymas ellen.
14.00: 1. helyert: az elodonto gyoztesei egymas ellen. (Duna TV kozvetiti.)
A helyszin: Sopron.
+ - | noi korarlabda magyar bajnoksag (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
GYSEV-RINGA - MiZo-PVSK 65-58 (13-12, 14-16, 16-10, 22-20)
Sopron, 2800 nezo
Zirkova 14/6, Balogh 14, Eordogh 11/3, Kovacova 1, Vilipic 13 Cs.: Donko
8/6, Seres 4
Ivanyi 10, Ujvari 4, Csak 16, Vilutyte 14/3, Tuvic 8 Cs.: Beres 4, Keller 2,
Petreger -
Balogh (37. perc), Kovacova (38.) illetve Ujvari (34.)
kozeli dobas: 7/15 46% - 9/26 34%
kozeptavoli dobas: 10/23 43% - 8/21 38%
tavoli dobas: 5/12 41% - 1/7 14%
osszdobas: 22/50 44% - 18/54 33%
bunteto: 16/19 84% - 21/28 75%
vedo/tamado lepattano: 15/4 - 16/10
szerzett/eladott labda: 24/16 - 20/17
kiharcolt hiba/fault: 24/26 - 26/24
assziszt passz: 7 - 9
blokk: 2 - 7
Az elso ket negyedben meg fej-fej mellett voltak a csapatok, sajnos a 3.
negyedben a Pecsnek nem sok kiserlete ment be es a negyedik negyedben a
GySEV-nek eleg volt tartani az elonyet, amit egyebkent szepen kivitelezett 3
pontosokkal oldott meg.
Udv, Istvan
A MiZo-Pecsi VSK hivatalos honlapja:
+ - | Sakkora (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Kedves Listatagok!
Szerintetek hol lehet kapni a sakkjatekoknal hasznalatos sakkorat es
mennyiert. Ha tudtok valaszolni a kerdesemre, irjatok meg!
Sandorfi Istvan
+ - | Noi kosar (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Erdekes eredmenyek a hetvegen : a GYSEV megverte a sokak altal
verhetetlennek hitt/mondott PVSK-t, a DKSK a parades elso 15 perczenek
koszonhetoen megtorte a Kecskemet lenduletet, a BEAC az ujabban
gyengelkedo BSE ellen bizonyitott:
GYSEV - PVSK 65-58
BSE-BEAC 71-81
Kecskemet-DKSK 73-83
Debreczen-Szolnok 51-90
Szekszard-ZTE 70-45
Forras : noi kosar levlista (is).