Sajnos a MiZo Pecsi VSK es a noi valogatott szempontjabol is szomoru hirt
olvastam a mai Dunantuli Naploban.
Ujvari Eszter szerdan a Szolnok elleni hazai bajnoki meccsen keresztszallag
szakadast szenvedett. Most a bal terdeben szakadtak el az elulso
keresztszallagok, mikor az ellenfel tamadasa utan a labdat a sajat bunteto
teruletrol vezette kifele. Egy rossz mozdulat kovetkezteben letapadt a
cipoje a parketthoz mikozben a terde meg a masik iranyban mozgott. A
felgyogyulas fel evig is eltarthat, tehat a jelenlegi allas szerint a PVSK
ebben az evadban mar nem szamithat a jatekara es valoszinuleg a szeptemberi
EB-t is ki kell hagynia. A PVSK vezetosege megprobal hirtelen egy idegen
legiost szerzodtetni, de erre keves esely latszik, mert ma (pentek) ejfelig
az MKOSZ-nek, szombaton delig pedig a FIBA-nak kell szentesiteni a
Udv, Istvan
MiZo-Pecsi VSK hivatalos honlapja:
I'm promoting a new Internet Service Provider that is due to
launch in March.
Its a full service ISP with access to the Web, Chat, Newsgroups
email and more.
What's great about this ISP is that IT'S FREE. No setup fees and
no monthly fees. You won't have any annoying ad bars floating
around your screen either.
If a FREE ISP isn't enough to pique your interest, then maybe
making money will. The absolute best thing about this FREE ISP
is that simply by using it, you can make money. If you promote
it to others, you can make even more.
So what do you have to lose? Go ahead and check it out! Email me
at the address below and I'll tell you how its done.
I comply with proposed federal legislation regarding unsolicited
commercial email by providing you with a method for your email
address to be permanently removed from my database and any future
mailings from this database.
To remove your address, please send an email message with the
word REMOVE in the subject line to: