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Új cikk beküldése (a cikk tartalma az író felelőssége)
Megrendelés Lemondás
1 ISDN es Modemok (mind)  21 sor     (cikkei)
2 Magyar Domain Lista (mind)  598 sor     (cikkei)
3 Re: ISDN es Modemok (mind)  8 sor     (cikkei)
4 Re: Video sebesseg (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)
5 Koax-uvegszal (mind)  16 sor     (cikkei)
6 [LAKAST KINALOK] Pesten. Csanady es Pannonia utca sarok (mind)  4 sor     (cikkei)

+ - ISDN es Modemok (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Masodik valasz Gyurkanak!
	Egy ISDN osszekottetes standard ketdrotos telefonvonallal
tortenik, amelyen harom digitalis szignal megy egyszerre (es nem
analog). Ezt 2B+D-nek jelzik es Basic Rate Interfacenek hivjak nalunk.
A telefonvallalat hasznalja az egyik csatornat ("D"=Delta csatorna)
kontrolra, pld. a
hasznalo telefonszam megallapitasara es arra, hogy milyen savszelessegre
van szukseg. A ket "B" csatornan megy az adat es a hang, vagy mind-
ketto egyszerre, 56 vagy 64 Kbps darabonkent. Ahhoz, hogy 128 Kbps
sebesseget elerjenek, osszekeverik (bonding) a ket B csatit. Ezt
dinamikusan is lehet megtenni, vagyis mikor egy nagy allomanyt
hivsz le, akkor 128 Kbps-t hasznalsz, kulonben nem, es igy sporolsz
a szamladon, mert nem mindig hasznalsz nagy savszelesseget.
	Letezik Primary Rate Interface is (de nem a hazamban),
kulonosen Japanban, ahol 30B+D konfiguracio az osszekottetes, elerven
1.544 - 2.048 Mbps sebesseget.
	A valaszom tehat a regi: "standard" digitalis-analog modemok
nem hasznalhatoak!
+ - Magyar Domain Lista (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

A reszletesebb regisztracios es al-domain adatok (beleertve az *osszes*
.hu alatt elnevezett magyar gep adatait es a rajtuk futo szolgaltatasokat) 
elerhetok a Magyar Internet Bongeszde-ben a http://net.hu/cgi-bin/hudom cimen.


Magyar Domain Lista, Sat Aug 10 15:57:44 1996

aab.hu .................... ABN Amro Bank Hungary
abc.hu .................... Agricultural Biotechnology Center
ablaksoft.hu .............. Ablaksoft Ltd.
ace.hu .................... Archaeocomp Association
adnet.hu .................. AdNet Communications Ltd.
advconeu.hu ............... *** HIBAS/SZABALYTALAN BEJEGYZES ***
agrotyre.hu ............... Taurus Agrotyre Ltd
aicicer.hu ................ Agency for International Cooperation & Investments
airliquide.hu ............. Air Liquide Ltd.
aisb.hu ................... American International School of Budapest
ajgbp.hu .................. Arany Janos High-School
akribia.hu ................ Akribia Automation Ltd.
alba.hu ................... Alba Internet Ltd.
albacomp.hu ............... Albacomp Computer Corporation
all.hu .................... Applied Logic Laboratory
alt.hu .................... ALT Ltd.
altus.hu .................. Altus Investment Advisor Co.
ams.hu .................... Austria Mikro Systeme International
answare.hu ................ ANSWARE Kft.
aplus-debrecen.hu ......... aPLUS Debrecen Ltd.
apollo.hu ................. Apollo Computer Ltd.
applegates.hu ............. Applegates Internet Media Services Ltd
apvrt.hu .................. State Privatisation and Holding Co.
areco.hu .................. Areco Systems Ltd
army.hu ................... Hungarian Army
artpool.hu ................ Artpool Art Research Center
arts7.hu .................. Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts
asu.hu .................... Association of Hungarian Samaritans
atif.hu ................... Apaczai Cs. J. Teacher Training College
atlasztravel.hu ........... Atlasz Travel Agency Ltd.
atomki.hu ................. Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
axels.hu .................. Axel Springer Hungary Ltd.
b-m.hu .................... Ministry of Interior
bacs-lea.hu ............... Bacs-Kiskun Local Enterprise Agency
bajaobs.hu ................ Baja Astronomical Observatory
balatontourist.hu ......... Balatontourist Foreign Trade and Commerce Inc.
bankarhaz.hu .............. Banker's House Ltd.
banki.hu .................. Banki Donat Institute of Technology
banknet.hu ................ BankNet Kft. Budapest, Hungary
bankonekt.hu .............. Bankonekt Ltd
baranya-hvk.hu ............ Baranya County Business Development Center
baudata.hu ................ BAU-DATA Ltd.
bay-gyula.hu .............. Bay Zoltan Fund for Talent Developing
bbf.hu .................... Business Basics Foundation
bbj.hu .................... Budapest Business Journal
bbraun.hu ................. B. Braun Medical Medical Hungary Ltd.
bbrt.hu ................... Budapest Bank Co.
bdmk.hu ................... "Berzsenyi Daniel" County Library, Szombathely, Hungary
bdtf.hu ................... Berzsenyi College
becks.hu .................. Beck's Byte Kft.
bghs.hu ................... Barczi Gusztav Highschool
bgytf.hu .................. Bessenyei Gyorgy Teacher Training College
biggeorge.hu .............. Biggeorge's Enterprises ltd.
biogal.hu ................. Biogal Pharmaceutical Factory
bjkmf.hu .................. Bolyai Janos Military Technical College
bke.hu .................... Budapest University of Economic Sciences
bkkl.hu ................... Research Laboratory for Mining Chemistry
bla.hu .................... Batthyany Lajos Foundation
blki.hu ................... Balaton Limnological Research Institute of the
bme.hu .................... Technical University of Budapest
bmk.hu .................... Bekes County Library
bmva.hu ................... Bekes County Foundation
botanika.hu ............... Inst.of Ecology and Botany of the HAS
bpmk.hu ................... Budapest Magazines Publishing Company
bppiac.hu ................. Budapesti Piac Trading Ltd.
bps.hu .................... Business Power Systems Hungary.
bpso.hu ................... Budapest Symphony Orchestra.
bpsun.hu .................. Budapest Sun
britcoun.hu ............... British Council
bross.hu .................. Bross Security Ltd.
bssa.hu ................... Bates Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising Ltd.
btf.hu .................... Budapest Teacher's Training College
budget.hu ................. Budget Rent a Car
bull.hu ................... Bull Hungary
bvk.hu .................... Budapest Enterprise Agency
bzaka.hu .................. Bay Zoltan Foundation for Applied Research
bzlogi.hu ................. Bay Zoltan Institute for Applied Research
c3.hu ..................... C3 - Center for Culture and Communication
cadserver.hu .............. CADserver Ltd.
canon.hu .................. Canon Hungaria Ltd.
carenet.hu ................ CareNet Ltd.
cashflow.hu ............... Cash Flow Hungarian Publishing Ltd.
cdk-cgx.hu ................ CompuDrug Chemistry Ltd.
ceg-info.hu ............... Ceg-Info DM & Mailing Office
ces.hu .................... National Institute of Public Education
ceu.hu .................... The Central European University
cgp.hu .................... CGP Elektronics Ltd.
chemicro.hu ............... Chemicro Kft.
chemotron.hu .............. Chemotron BT.
chemres.hu ................ Central Research Institute for Chemistry
civitas.hu ................ Civitas Association
cobra.hu .................. Cobra Control Ltd.
code.hu ................... CoDe Computer Technology Ltd.
cogpsyphy.hu .............. Institute for Psychology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
colbud.hu ................. Collegium Budapest - Institute for Advanced Study
columbia.hu ............... Embassy of Columbia in Hungary
columbus.hu ............... Columbus Travel Systems
comfort.hu ................ Comfort Commerce and Development Ltd.
compalmanach.hu ........... CompAlmanach Kiadoi Kft.
component.hu .............. Component Ltd.
computronic.hu ............ Computronic - Computing and Electronics Company
comwave.hu ................ Comwave Ltd.
connect.hu ................ Connect Weekly News
consact.hu ................ ConsAct Quality Development and Management Consulting Ltd.
coopt.hu .................. Cooptourist Share Holding Company
core.hu ................... Community of 7 Research Institutes
corvex.hu ................. Corvex Ltd. Budapest
cos.hu .................... COMTRANS Ltd.
crnl.hu ................... Cistercian Order's Nagy Lajos Grammar School
crocus.hu ................. CROCUS Audit Ltd.
cslm.hu ................... College for Surveying and Land Management
csvmtkf.hu ................ Csokonai Vitez Mihaly Teachers Training College
daewoomotors.hu ........... DAEWOO Motors Ltd.
datanet.hu ................ DataNet Telecommunications Ltd.
dataware.hu ............... DATAWARE Electronic Engineering Ltd.
date.hu ................... Agricultural University of Debrecen
delacher.hu ............... DELACHER+CO Transport Ltd.
delphi.hu ................. Delphi-Soft Ltd.
demasz.hu ................. South Hungarian Electricity Supply Company Ltd.
dfmk.hu ................... Deak Ferenc County Library
dhv.hu .................... DHV Hungary Ltd.
different.hu .............. Different Internet Services Foundation
digital.hu ................ Digital Equipment Corporation
direkt-kfki.hu ............ Digital Computer Systems Installation and Service Ltd
divicon.hu ................ DIVICON Ltd.
dote.hu ................... University of Medicine Debrecen
drk.hu .................... Debrecen Reformed College
dunaferr.hu ............... Dunaferr Danube Ironworks Company Limited Shares
dunapack.hu ............... Dunapack Ltd.
e77.hu .................... 77 ELEKTRONIKA Ltd.
easycall.hu ............... EasyCall Paging Company
ecotrans.hu ............... *** HIBAS/SZABALYTALAN BEJEGYZES ***
edasz.hu .................. North-West Hungarian Electricity Supply Company Ltd.
edonette.hu ............... Edonette Ltd.
efe.hu .................... University of Forestry and Wood Sciences
egi.hu .................... GEA-EGI Contracting Engineering
egus.hu ................... Egus Infosystems Ltd.
eids.hu ................... Euro Estate Data Service.
ekb.hu .................... European Commercial Bank
ekf.hu .................... EKF Ltd.
ektf.hu ................... Eszterhazy K. Teachers' Training College
elender.hu ................ Elender Net
elsat.hu .................. ELSAT International Hungary Ltd.
elte.hu ................... Eotvos Lorand University of Sciences
emerge.hu ................. Emerge International
energoinfo.hu ............. ENERGOINFO Hungary Ltd.
enet.hu ................... E-NET Hungary Ltd.
enzim.hu .................. Institute of Enzymology, Biological Research Centre
eps.hu .................... Electronic Publishing Services
equinox.hu ................ Equinox Investment Consulting Ltd.
escom.hu .................. Escom Computer Ltd.
etv.hu .................... Power Engineering and Contractor Co.
eunet.hu .................. EUnet Hungary
eurohivo.hu ............... Eurohivo Rt.
euroinfo.hu ............... Euro Info Service
euronet.hu ................ Euronet Inc..
eurorscg.hu ............... Euro RSCG Ltd
eurotrend.hu .............. Eurotrend Information Technology Ltd.
externet.hu ............... Externet Ltd, Networking
extextiel.hu .............. Ex-Textiel Co.
f-m.hu .................... Ministry of Agriculture
faithch.hu ................ Faith Church Hungary
falcon.hu ................. Falcon-Vision Ltd.
fefo.hu ................... FEFO Computer Ltd.
fejer-hvk.hu .............. Fejer County Local Enterprise Agency
felixfilm.hu .............. LP FELIX Film Ltd.
fidesz.hu ................. Fidesz-Hungarian civic party.
figyelo.hu ................ Figyelo
fiskars.hu ................ FISKARS Hungary Ltd.
flash.hu .................. Flash Computer Ltd.
fok.hu .................... Budapest Training Technology Center
fomi.hu ................... Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing
fornax.hu ................. Fornax Co.
fph.hu .................... The Mayor's Office of Budapest
freeside.hu ............... FREESIDE Information Technology Ltd.
freesoft.hu ............... Freesoft Ltd.
gallup.hu ................. Gallup Inst. Hungary
gamf.hu ................... College of Mechanical Engineering and Automation
gau.hu .................... Godollo University of Agricultural Sciences
gd-szamalk.hu ............. Dennis Gabor Technical Collage for Information
gellert.hu ................ Hotel Gellert
geodezia.hu ............... Hungarian Geodetic and Mapping Company Limited
geometria.hu .............. Geometria GIS Systems House Ltd.
geoview.hu ................ GEOVIEW Systems LTD
ges.hu .................... Geophysical Services Ltd.
gfk.hu .................... GfK-Hungaria Market Research Ltd.
ggki.hu ................... Geodetic and Geophysical Research Institute
giro.hu ................... Hungarian Clearing House Inc.
gjw.hu .................... GJW Political and Communication Consulting Ltd.
gki.hu .................... GKI Economic Research Co.
globenet.hu ............... GlobeNet Ltd.
globex.hu ................. GLOBEX RT
globimpex.hu .............. Globimpex Ltd.
golding.hu ................ Golding Ltd.
graphisoft.hu ............. Graphisoft Software Development Ltd.
greybudapest.hu ........... Grey Budapest Advertising Agency
gvh.hu .................... Office of Economic Competition
gyimothy.hu ............... *** HIBAS/SZABALYTALAN BEJEGYZES ***
h-m.hu .................... Ministry of Defence
hac.hu .................... Hungarian Atlantic Council
happy-balaton.hu .......... Happy Balaton Ltd.
hbmvk.hu .................. Hajdu-Bihar County Local Enterprise Agency
hcbc.hu ................... National Catholic Collection Study Center, Budapest
hdsys.hu .................. Hungarian Data Systems Ltd.
hdt.hu .................... Hungaro DigiTel Ltd.
hem.hu .................... Museum of Etnography
hexanet.hu ................ HexaNet Ltd
hiete.hu .................. Imre Haynal University of Health Sciences
hif.hu .................... General Inspectorate of Communications
hillandknowlton.hu ........ Hill and Knowlton Hungary Ltd.
hir.hu .................... Hiradas Ltd..
hit.hu .................... Faith and Morals Cultural Foundation
hms.hu .................... Hypermedia Systems Ltd.
hmvk.hu ................... Local Enterprise Agency of Heves County
hnm.hu .................... Hungarian National Museum
hpo.hu .................... Hungarian Patent Office
hrc.hu .................... Hungarian Red Cross
hrp.hu .................... HRP Hungary Ltd.
htbt.hu ................... Ht Ltd. Multi Level Marketing
humansoft.hu .............. HUMANsoft Electronics Limited
hungame.hu ................ Hungarian Gaming Corporation
hungarianbusinessinfo.hu .. Hungarian Business Info and Internet Media Service Ltd.
hungarnet.hu .............. HUNGARNET Association
hungaro-kabel.hu .......... Hungaro-kabel ltd.
huninet.hu ................ Hungarian University Network Association
hunix.hu .................. Company Limited for Technical Development and Trade
hunpro.hu ................. HunPro Company Ltd.
hupe.hu ................... Hungarian University of Physical Education
hvg.hu .................... Heti Vilaggazdasag
hyway.hu .................. HyWay Ltd.
i-m.hu .................... Ministry of Justice
ibs-b.hu .................. International Business School Budapest
iceurope.hu ............... *** HIBAS/SZABALYTALAN BEJEGYZES ***
icibud.hu ................. Interconcepts Inc.
icl.hu .................... ICL Hungary Ltd.
icon.hu ................... ICON Computing Ltd.
ict.hu .................... IC&T International Consulting and Training Ltd.
idg.hu .................... IDG Hungary Ltd.
idoben.hu ................. Just in Time Ltd.
idom.hu ................... Idom Inc.
ifrc.hu ................... International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
ifs.hu .................... Information Processing & Accounting Company
iie.hu .................... Institute of International Education
iif.hu .................... Information Infrastructure Coordination Office
ikm.hu .................... Ministry of Industry and Trade
ilo-ceet.hu ............... International Labour Organization
ils.hu .................... ILS International Language Services
imazs.hu .................. IMAZS Ltd.
inext.hu .................. Internext Studio Ltd.
infoline.hu ............... Infoline Ltd.
ingr.hu ................... Intergraph Hungary Ltd.
inside.hu ................. Inside Ltd.
insite.hu ................. InSite Ltd.
integra.hu ................ Integra Ltd. Budapest
interchurch.hu ............ Hungarian Interchurch Aid
intercom.hu ............... InterCom Ltd.
interdnet.hu .............. INTERdNET Ltd.
intergraf.hu .............. Intergraf Ltd. of Budapest
intersoft.hu .............. Intersoft Ltd.
interware.hu .............. Interware Kft.
iqsoft.hu ................. IQSOFT Intelligent Software Co. Ltd
irf.hu .................... IRF Software House Ltd.
irisz.hu .................. Irisz Ltd.
iscomp.hu ................. Inform Studio Computer
isys.hu ................... iSYS Hungary
itb.hu .................... Coordination Office for Governmental Information Systems
itc.hu .................... ITConsult Information Technology Consulting Co.
itd.hu .................... ITD Hungary Inc.
itemb.hu .................. Italian Embassy
ivn.hu .................... InterVnet Ltd..
jasztel.hu ................ Jaszsag Telecom Ltd.
jcc.hu .................... Jewish Community Center Budapest
jedlik.hu ................. Jedlik Anyos Secondary School
jpte.hu ................... Janus Pannonius Tudomanyegyetem
jura.hu ................... Jura Trade Ltd.
juventus.hu ............... Juventus Radio Ltd.
juventus-team.hu .......... Juventus Team Ltd.
kalmar.hu ................. Kalmar Laszlo Secondary Scool for
kando.hu .................. Kando Kalman Polytechnic
katki.hu .................. Institute for Small Animal Research
kee.hu .................... University of Horticulture and Food Industry, Budapest
kekkuti.hu ................ Kekkuti Asvanyviz Ltd.
kem-hvk.hu ................ Komarom-Esztergom Local Enterprise Agency
kepujsag.hu ............... New Teletext Ltd.
kern.hu ................... KERN Communications Systems Hungary Ltd.
kerorg.hu ................. Kerorg Ltd.
kerszov.hu ................ Kerszov Computer Ltd.
kffhf.hu .................. General Inspection for Transport
kfki.hu ................... KFKI Research Institute for Particle and
kfrtkf.hu ................. Kolcsey Ferenc Reformed Teacher's Training College, Debrecen
kgf.hu .................... College Of Commerce And Economic
kgre.hu ................... Karoli Gaspar Protestant University, Budapest
khvm.hu ................... Ministry of Transport, Telecommunication and Water Management
kiraly.hu ................. *** HIBAS/SZABALYTALAN BEJEGYZES ***
kiss.hu ................... *** HIBAS/SZABALYTALAN BEJEGYZES ***
kjmk.hu ................... Katona Jozsef County Library
kkapcsolat.hu ............. Intercommunity Foundation
kkmk.hu ................... Kisfaludy Karoly County Library
klkf.hu ................... Hungarian Army Kossuth Lajos Military Academy
klte.hu ................... Kossuth Lajos University, Debrecen
kmagazin.hu ............... Magazine of Small Business (Pest county)
kobak.hu .................. Kobak Szamitastechnikai es Kereskedelmi Kft.
koki.hu ................... Institute of Experimental Medicine, HAS
kol.hu .................... K.O.L. Trading and Servicing Ltd.
kolbe.hu .................. Kolbe Kft.
kompas.hu ................. Touristic Organization Kompas Budapest
kompass.hu ................ Kompass Hungaria Ltd.
konkoly.hu ................ Konkoly Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
kontrax.hu ................ Kontrax Budapest Ltd.
koranyi.hu ................ National Koranyi Institute of Pulmonology
ksh.hu .................... Cental Statistics Office
ksrt-sab.hu ............... Kobanya Beer Breweries
ktm.hu .................... Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development
kum.hu .................... Ministry of Foreign Affairs
kva.hu .................... Kisalfold Small Business Development Foundation
kvif.hu ................... College of Commerse, Hospitality and Tourism
kzm.hu .................... Kzm Ltd.
kzmk.hu ................... Zoltan Kodaly Hungarian Choir School
kzs.hu .................... Kossuth Zsuzsanna Technical High School
labcom.hu ................. LAB-COM Ltd.
lada.hu ................... HungaroLADA Ltd.
lanex.hu .................. LANeX Consulting Ltd.
lea-szeged.hu ............. Progress Foundation for Enterprise Promotion
liszt.hu .................. Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
lmark.hu .................. L & Mark GIS Ltd
lnx.hu .................... Lias-Networx
lri.hu .................... Air Traffic and Airport Administration
macon.hu .................. Macon Inc.
madarasz.hu ............... Madarasz Street Children Hospital
magnet.hu ................. Magnet Communications
magnetcom.hu .............. *** HIBAS/SZABALYTALAN BEJEGYZES ***
magyarcom.hu .............. Magyarcom Services Communications Ltd.
magyarnemzet.hu ........... Magyar Nemzet
margareta-mr.hu ........... Margareta MR Ltd.
mark.hu ................... Representation of Communication Company
mastermac.hu .............. MasterMac Ltd.
matav.hu .................. Hungarian Telecommunication Company
math-inst.hu .............. Mathematical Institute of the
mav.hu .................... Hungarian Railway
mbke.hu ................... MBKE Electronics Ltd.
mcse.hu ................... Hungarian Astronomical Association
mdc.hu .................... Management Development Center
mdf.hu .................... Hungarian Democratic Forum
median.hu ................. Median Opinion & Market Research Ltd.
medianet.hu ............... Medianet Internet Publication and Consulting Ltd.
megamicro.hu .............. Megamicro Corp.
meh.hu .................... Office of The Prime Minister
met.hu .................... Hungarian Meteorological Service
metpress.hu ............... Hungarian Electronic Exchange
mgh.hu .................... Messer Griesheim Hungaria Ltd.
mgki.hu ................... Agricultural Research Institute of
mhbsecurities.hu .......... MHB Talentum Investment & Securities Co. Ltd.
mhirlap.hu ................ Magyar Hirlap
microbi.hu ................ Microbiological Research Group
mif.hu .................... Hungarian Academy of Crafts and Design
minolta.hu ................ Minolta Hungary Ltd.
mix.hu .................... Mix Ltd.
mkih.hu ................... State Intelligence Agency
mkm.hu .................... Ministry of Culture and Education
mkogy.hu .................. Office of the Hungarian National Assembly
ml-cons.hu ................ ML Consulting Ltd.
mltc.hu ................... Military Language Training Center
mmm.hu .................... Mac-Mester Ltd.
mmsz.hu ................... Instruments and Measuring Technic Service of the
mocsi.hu .................. *** HIBAS/SZABALYTALAN BEJEGYZES ***
modem.hu .................. SCI-Modem Ltd.
modus.hu .................. Modus Ltd
mol.hu .................... Hungarian Oil and Gas Company Co.
montana.hu ................ Montana-Informatika Budapest
morell.hu ................. MORELL Computing Ltd.
morphologic.hu ............ Morphologic Ltd.
motorpresse.hu ............ Motor-Presse Budapest Publishing Ltd.
mozaik.hu ................. Mozaik Software-House Computer Ltd.
mri.hu .................... Metropolitan Research Institute Ltd.
msmail.hu ................. *** HIBAS/SZABALYTALAN BEJEGYZES ***
msystem.hu ................ Microsystem Ltd.
mta.hu .................... Hungarian Academy of Sciences
mtak.hu ................... Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
mtapti.hu ................. Institute for Political Science
mtesz.hu .................. Federal Chamber of Technical and Scientific Societies
mti.hu .................... Hungarian News Agency
mtm.hu .................... MTM Communications Co.
mtrias.hu ................. Masped-Trias International Forwarding Ltd.
mtrt.hu ................... Muszertechnika Co.
mtv.hu .................... Hungarian Television
mufi.hu ................... Research Institute for Technical Physics
multech.hu ................ Multech Ltd.
mum.hu .................... Ministry of Labour
mutf.hu ................... College for Modern Business Studies, Tatabanya
mva.hu .................... Hungarian Foundation for Enterprise Promotion
mve.hu .................... Mikro Volan Elektronika
mvkkvar.hu ................ County and Town Library
mvm.hu .................... Hungarian Power Company Ltd.
mvsz.hu ................... World Federation of Hungarians
mzsk.hu ................... Moricz Zsigmond City and County Library
n-m.hu .................... Ministry of Public Welfare
nabi.hu ................... North American Bus Industries Ltd.
narancs.hu ................ Magyar Narancs
nasa.hu ................... NASA Ltd.
nbc.hu .................... NBC International Co.
nepszabadsag.hu ........... NEPSZABADSAG
nest.hu ................... Nest Ltd. Budapest
nestor.hu ................. Nestor Ltd.
net.hu .................... Hungary.Network Kft.
networx.hu ................ *** HIBAS/SZABALYTALAN BEJEGYZES ***
netx.hu ................... NETX Consulting Ltd.
nff.hu .................... National Forum Foundation
ngkszki.hu ................ Gaspar Noszlopy Secondary Technical School of Economics
nhmus.hu .................. Hungarian Natural History Museum
niagara.hu ................ Niagara Ltd.
nike.hu ................... Nitrokemia Chemical Incorporated Company
nivelco.hu ................ Nivelco Inc.
njszki.hu ................. Neumann Janos Secondary School of Computer Technology
nograd-hvk.hu ............. Nograd County Business Development Center
npp.hu .................... Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. Paks
nsi.hu .................... HAEC Nuclear Safety Inspectorate
nwx.hu .................... Networx Szamitogephalozatok kft.
nyaf.hu ................... Agricultural Faculty of GATE
nybroker.hu ............... New York Broker
nytud.hu .................. Research Institute of Linguistics
oai.hu .................... Central Veterinary Institute
odd.hu .................... ODD Informatics, Control Engineering Ltd.
oiti.hu ................... National Institute of Neurosurgery
olivetti.hu ............... Olivetti Hungary Ltd.
omfb.hu ................... National Committee for Technological Development
omgk.hu ................... National Agricultural Library
omh.hu .................... National Office Of Measures
omikk.hu .................. National Technical Information Center and Library
oncol.hu .................. National Oncological Institute
onyx.hu ................... Onyx Ltd.
operator.hu ............... Operator Hungary Ltd
optotrans.hu .............. Optotrans Ltd.
orki.hu ................... National Institute for Hospital
osb.hu .................... Archiabbatia di Panonhalma
osi.hu .................... Open Society Institute
osski.hu .................. National Research Institute for Radiobiology
oszk.hu ................... Hungarian National Library
p-m.hu .................... Ministry of Finance
pannoniahotels.hu ......... Pannonia Hotels
pannonlizing.hu ........... Pannonlizing Inc.
paqart.hu ................. PAQART Design Studio
partnersjwt.hu ............ N. G. Partners Ltd.
pate.hu ................... Pannon University of Agricultural Sciences
pegasus.hu ................ Hungarian Express Service Rt
pentaprog.hu .............. PentaProg Ltd..
pestiest.hu ............... Pesti Est Weekly Magazine
petersgroup.hu ............ Peter's Group Ltd
peto.hu ................... International Peto Institute
pfi.hu .................... Development Institut of Hungarian Post
pgsm.hu ................... Pannon GSM Telecommunications Inc.
piar.hu ................... Kalazantinum Piarist College of Theology and Teacher Training
picture.hu ................ Somogyi Picture Ltd.
pioneer.hu ................ Pioneer Productions
planet.hu ................. PlaNET Gyor Informatical Ltd.
plansys.hu ................ Planetary Systems Ltd.
plus7.hu .................. 7+ Computer Network Ltd.
pmmf.hu ................... Pollack Mihaly Muszaki Foiskola
pnyomda.hu ................ Petofi Printing and Packaging Co. Ltd.
pobank.hu ................. *** HIBAS/SZABALYTALAN BEJEGYZES ***
poco.hu ................... Police College
polhivtb.hu ............... Office of the Municipal Council Torokbalint
poliod.hu ................. Polytechnic of Dunaujvaros
polygon.hu ................ Polygon Informatics and Consulting Ltd.
pongracz.hu ............... *** HIBAS/SZABALYTALAN BEJEGYZES ***
porsche.hu ................ Porsche Hungaria Ltd.
portocom.hu ............... Portocom Ltd.
postabank.hu .............. Postabank Inc.
pote.hu ................... University Medical School, Pecs
ppasztoy.hu ............... P-Pasztoy Trading Ltd.
pprofit.hu ................ Private Profit Economic magazine
pprt.hu ................... Pilis Park Forestry Company
pracsys.hu ................ PracSYS Ltd.
price-waterhouse.hu ....... Price Waterhouse Accounting Firm
prim.hu ................... PRIM Information-Technology Ltd.
primexpharma.hu ........... Primexpharma Ltd.
pro-patiente.hu ........... Pro Patiente Foundation Budapest
probit.hu ................. Probit Kft.
profitrade.hu ............. ProfiTrade Ltd.
prolan.hu ................. Prolan Inc. Software Development and Ingeneering
promoidea.hu .............. Promoidea-Hungaria Ltd.
prompt92.hu ............... PROMPT '92
pronet.hu ................. Pronet Professional Internet Services Ltd.
protomix.hu ............... Protomix Ltd.
pszfs.hu .................. Salgotarjan Institute of College of Finance and Accountancy
quality.hu ................ Quality Ltd.
qwerty.hu ................. QWERTY Computer Ltd.
radio.hu .................. Hungarian Broadcast Company
realhome-debrecen.hu ...... Realhome Real Estate Agency
rec.hu .................... Regional Environmental Center
recognita.hu .............. Recognita Corp.
rfmlib.hu ................. Rakoczi Ferenc
richem.hu ................. Research Institute of Chemical Engineering H.A.S.
richter.hu ................ Richter Gedeon Rt
rkk.hu .................... Centre for Regional Studies
rolitron.hu ............... Rolitron Informatics Ltd.
royalcomp.hu .............. Royalcomp Ltd.
rubin.hu .................. Ruby Corporation Ltd
salesmasters.hu ........... Salesmasters Ltd.
scala.hu .................. Scala ECE Hungary
scca.hu ................... SCCA Budapest Ltd.
schuck.hu ................. Schuck-Kod Ltd.
sdi.hu .................... State Development Institute
securities.hu ............. Internet Securities Inc.
sednet.hu ................. SedNet Ltd
seismology.hu ............. Seismological Observatory, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
seldon.hu ................. Seldon Ltd..
selekt.hu ................. Selekt Agency Ltd.
sgi.hu .................... Silicon Computers Ltd.
sienet.hu ................. Sienet Computing Ltd.
signal.hu ................. Signal Ensurance Company
sk-szeged.hu .............. Somogyi Library
smed.hu ................... Shared Medical Systems Hungary Ltd.
somogy-hvk.hu ............. Somogy Local Enterprise Agency
sopron.hu ................. INTERNET-SOPRON ASSOCIATION
soring.hu ................. Soring Kft.
soros.hu .................. Soros Foundation Hungary
sote.hu ................... Semmelweis University, Medical School
spiderweb.hu .............. SpiderWeb Internet Service Provider Ltd.
sprinternet.hu ............ Sprinter Studio Ltd., ISP
starkingnet.hu ............ StarKing Obuda Ltd.
step.hu ................... STEP Electronic Publishing Ltd., Budapest
stg.hu .................... Siemens Telco Ltd.
studiotech.hu ............. Studiotech Hungary Kft.
supra.hu .................. SUPRA Ltd.
syneco.hu ................. SYNECO Ltd.
system.hu ................. System Investment Telecom.
szabinet.hu ............... Sab-I-Net Co.
szabolcs-hvk.hu ........... PRIMON County Local Enterprise Agency
szdsz.hu .................. Association of Free Democrats
szezam.hu ................. SZEZAM Advertising Agency Ltd.
szif.hu ................... Szechenyi Istvan College, Gyor
szignummedia.hu ........... Szignum Media Co.
szikszi.hu ................ Istvan Szechenyi Secondary School of Economics
szki.hu ................... SzKI Computing, Communication and Innovation Technology Inc.
szolnet.hu ................ Szolnet Kereskedelmi es Szolgaltato Ltd.
sztaki.hu ................. Hungarian Academy of Sciences
szuv.hu ................... Computing and Management Organization Service Limited
tarki.hu .................. TARKI Social Research Informatics Center
tchibo.hu ................. TCHIBO Budapest Ltd.
telefuture.hu ............. Telefuture Hungary
telemat.hu ................ Telemat Ltd.
telemedia.hu .............. Telemedia Elso Magyar Telemarketing Szolgalat Kft.
tertv.hu .................. Terezvaros Cable Television Ltd.
tiszanet.hu ............... TiszaNet Kft.
titasz.hu ................. TITASZ Inc.  Debrecen
tki.hu .................... Innovation Company for Telecommunication
tla.hu .................... Laszlo Teleki Foundation
toppoint.hu ............... Top Point Ltd.
topsec.hu ................. TOPSEC Educational Ltd.
transstore.hu ............. TransStore Ltd. Budapest
trebag.hu ................. TREBAG Ltd.
tungsram.hu ............... General Electric-Tungsram
u-szeged.hu ............... Szeged University Association
uni-miskolc.hu ............ University of Miskolc
unification.hu ............ Unification Church
unitedtransfer.hu ......... United Transfer Ltd.
univet.hu ................. University of Veterinary Science
usis.hu ................... US Information Service
uspc.hu ................... Peace Corps Hungary, Budapest
uts.hu .................... UTI Ltd.
valhalla.hu ............... Valhalla Holding Ltd.
vargastudio.hu ............ Varga Studio Film and Video Ltd.
vas-hvk.hu ................ Vas County Business Development Center
vein.hu ................... University of Veszprem
veszprem.hu ............... Neutral domain for private persons in Veszprem county
veszprem-hvk.hu ........... County Enterprise Center Veszprem
vgamonitor.hu ............. VGA Monitor
vki.hu .................... Institute for World Economics
vmri.hu ................... Veterinary Medical Research Institute
volanbusz.hu .............. Volanbusz Inc.
voxer.hu .................. Voxer Service and Trade Ltd.
w3.hu ..................... W3 Computer Bt.
walton.hu ................. Walton Networking Ltd.
westel.hu ................. WESTEL Mobile Telecommunication Company
westel900.hu .............. Westel 900 GSM Mobile Telecommunications Co.
who.hu .................... World Health Organization
wordup.hu ................. WORD UP! Incorporated
xco.hu .................... Xco Systems Kft.
xperts.hu ................. Xperts Software Ltd.
yellowpages.hu ............ First Hungarian Internet Yellow Pages Ltd.
zala-lea.hu ............... Zala County Local Enterprise Agency
zene.hu ................... Rolitron-Rolicare Educational Ltd.
zenebona.hu ............... Ad Libitum - Zenebona Ltd.
zenith.hu ................. *** HIBAS/SZABALYTALAN BEJEGYZES ***
zenon.hu .................. Zenon Computer Engineering and Trading Ltd. Szeged
zipernowsky.hu ............ Zipernowsky Karoly Technical Secondary School, Pecs
zmka.hu ................... Zrinyi Miklos Military Academy
zpok.hu ................... Green Spider Foundation
zsktf.hu .................. Zsambek Catholic Teacher Training College
+ - Re: ISDN es Modemok (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,   writes:

>Az igy kiepitett most mar analog vonalon mukodik e a 14400-as ill. a 28800-as


+ - Re: Video sebesseg (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

>pci-s s3-am van. szerinetm lassu (8300 landmark), tenyleg ilyen szar,
>vagy csak rosszul van vmi beallitva?
>ha tudtok mondjatok jobbat. milyen a tseng 4000?

En akkor lattam ilyen tetu tempot, amikor a turbo kapcsolo ki volt kapcsolva.
Az uj alaplapok egy reszen ez nem befolyasolja a processzor sebesseget, de a
videoet igen.. Proba: Landmark Speed - turbo kapcsolo - retest video.
Egyebkent nalam az S3 24000, az ET4000 18000 (P100, PCI).


+ - Koax-uvegszal (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

>Valamelyik kiallitason lattam egy olyan dobozt aminek az egyik felen bemegy
>a koax, a masik felen meg uvegszallal folytatodik, ez kb.:25Ft/db. Ez volna
>a legkezenfekvobb megoldas, de termeszetesen a kiallitasrol hazahozott 10
>kilo prospektusbol pont ennek a cegnek a nevjegyet hagyom el :~(
>Ha valaki tudja hol lehet ilyet, kapni, vagy van jobb otlete az arulja el.

Szia Marci!

Kb. 1 evvel ezelott mutattak nekem az Comp-nal (Alba) ilyen cuccokat. 
Ismersz ott valakit?  Ha nem, szivesen segitek!

+ - [LAKAST KINALOK] Pesten. Csanady es Pannonia utca sarok (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

szekrenyek, kanape, asztal, szek, moso/szaritogep, TV, porszivo,
hutoszekreny, igeny eseten mountain bike). Telefon. V. emelet, lift.
Konyha kicsi. Kulon WC, parketta. 97 majusig. Elerhetosegeim:
 vagy USA: 410 662 8015 otthoni telefon.