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1 Re: Kommunista Kina vasarolt amerikai elnokot (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)
2 Re: Csere? (mind)  9 sor     (cikkei)
3 Looking for Hungarian-English Dictionary (mind)  3 sor     (cikkei)
4 Re: Istvannak es a Magyar listanak (mind)  30 sor     (cikkei)
5 the 7 magyar tribes (megkovetlek, Istvan) (mind)  45 sor     (cikkei)
6 Re: teszt (mind)  10 sor     (cikkei)
7 Re: Igy irnak o"k (mind)  27 sor     (cikkei)
8 Re: Some little known historical facts (mind)  35 sor     (cikkei)
9 Re: NATO, the USA and Ukraine * Other considerations (mind)  33 sor     (cikkei)
10 Re: Some little known historical facts (mind)  21 sor     (cikkei)
11 Re: NATO, the USA and Ukraine * Other considerations (mind)  21 sor     (cikkei)
12 Some little known historical facts (mind)  14 sor     (cikkei)
13 Re: Some little known historical facts (mind)  30 sor     (cikkei)
14 Re: NATO, the USA and Ukraine * Other considerations (mind)  10 sor     (cikkei)
15 Re: Some little known historical facts (mind)  20 sor     (cikkei)
16 Re: Some little known historical facts (mind)  28 sor     (cikkei)
17 Re: NATO, the USA and Ukraine * Other considerations (mind)  35 sor     (cikkei)
18 Re: Some little known historical facts (mind)  14 sor     (cikkei)
19 Re: George Soros (mind)  17 sor     (cikkei)
20 Re: Kommunista Kina vasarolt amerikai elnokot (mind)  14 sor     (cikkei)
21 Re: Istvannak es a Magyar listanak (mind)  32 sor     (cikkei)
22 Re: Some little known historical facts (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)
23 Re: NATO, the USA and Ukraine * Other considerations (mind)  99 sor     (cikkei)
24 Re: NATO, the USA and Ukraine * Other considerations (mind)  19 sor     (cikkei)
25 Re: George Soros (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)
26 Re: George Soros Founds Charter Europe (mind)  27 sor     (cikkei)
27 Re: Some little known historical facts (mind)  14 sor     (cikkei)
28 Re: MAKOIAK (mind)  12 sor     (cikkei)
29 Re: Looking for Hungarian-English Dictionary (mind)  19 sor     (cikkei)

+ - Re: Kommunista Kina vasarolt amerikai elnokot (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  wrote:

> Gabor Barsai > wrote:
> >
> >> republikanusoknal most mar csak valami jo noi jelolt johet szoba jo
> >> esellyel.
> >
> >Hmmmmm...ezt eppen te mondod?
> Miert?  Eddig ugy tuntem, hogy noellenes vagyok?

Nem, sorry ha igy olvasod. Csak iroi multad nem ezt sugallta nekem, hogy
ilyeneket irsz.

+ - Re: Csere? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

"Istvan Lippai" > wrote:

>Nem lehetne kicserelni BE-t Ines Weber-el?  Istvan 

>Humm!, hadd gondolkozzak csak...!

Meg mindeg gondolkodom...
+ - Looking for Hungarian-English Dictionary (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Can anyone recommend a good Hungarian-English dictionary?
 (Stuart Makagon)
+ - Re: Istvannak es a Magyar listanak (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

aheringer > wrote 
Lippai wrote:
>   Akkor jottek a nemetek es nyilasok es hajtottak oket harcolni
> >tovabbra is.  A magyar jellem nem szereti se a fasisztakat se a
> >kommunistakat
Agnes wrote:
> Tessek mondani, a nyilasok milyen nemzetiseguek voltak?  Es orulok, hogy 
> nem volt tanuja annak, amikor szazaval lottek a zsidokat a Dunaba....
Azt talalom erdekesnek ha valaki probal egy par elkulonitett peldabol a
magyar nem es nemzet altalanos eliteletet hozni, az elfogadhato.  Ha valaki
ugyanilyen altalanositasokat hangoztat a zsidokkal kapcsolatban, az
antiszemita, nazi, fasziszta,...

En az Agnes magyar ellenes altalanositasait magyar gyuloletnek nevezem es
hatarozottan elutasitom.  Az lenne a legkonnyebb ha vissza vagnek az
1945-1956 kozott elkovetett pusztitast amit a kommunistak a magyar nep
ellen elkovettek.  Avval az Agnes mocskoskodasaval egy szintre

A szomoru teny az, hogy egy keves elvetemedett ember nagyon sok szenvedest
tudd okozni.  Ezek a haboru alatt es a haboru utan is rengeteg artatlan
embert elpusztitottak.  Ugy latszik, hogy Agnes csak a zsido aldozatokra
tudd emlekezni. 

Agnes, az a szomoru, hogy atvertem magam.  Joerzesu honfitarsnak

+ - the 7 magyar tribes (megkovetlek, Istvan) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Istvan, megkovetlek! (Tudnad ujra felrakni ide az eredeti
"postodat"?) A kovetkezo uzenetet tettem a

OK. It,s difficult, the posting is not up anymore on this
server. Somebody asked about the 7 tribes, OR the 7 chiefs
of the magyars who led them to settle Hungary. 
I wrote to confirm Agi H., that the 7 chieftans were: 
A'rpa'd, Elo"d, Ond, Kond, Tass, Huba, To:ho:to:m. 
We contradicted Istvan L., saying: that's how we learned in
elementary school, in or around 1942 (only I, Agi, of
course, much-much later ;-)
Since I consulted "A Magyarok kronikaja" (Thuroczy Janos)
and Homan-Szegfu's : "Magyar Tortenet".

According to H.-Sz., the seven tribes were (and, I believe,
that was the original question): Nye'k, Megyer,
Ku:rtgyarmat, Tarjan, Jeno", Ke'r and Keszi.
H.-Sz. also provides us with the names of seven elected
Leutenants (hadnagyok tanacsa) as follows: 
A'rpa'd	's	father	A'lmos
Szabolcs   	   ''	Elo"d
Korca'n		   ''	Kende
Ete		   ''	Ond
Horka		   ''	Te'te'ny
Le'l		   ''	Tass
-no name stands here-	Huba

Thuroczy's Kronika on the other hand provides us the names
of the seven Kapitan'y who came in to settle the land:
A'rpa'd, Szabolcs, Gyula, Ku:nd, Le'l, Ve'rbulcsu, and O:rs.

Whether I lessened the confusion or caused it to grow, I
don't know. Can somebody clarify?  


P.s.:  But why the historians are so quiet? They are not
required to opine, or judge; no whys or whatnots - only
seven names they remember. If memorybanks are empty, fine.
No dares, no comments from either sides.
Thanks. D.v.
+ - Re: teszt (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On Thu, 13 Mar 1997 15:33:50 -0700, Tamas > wrote:


Joe Pannon
REMINDER: Please correct my e-mail address in any personal reply by
removing the "antiSPAM." part from it.  I have altered the address
in the hope of defeating address grabbing SPAM software.  Thanks, JP
+ - Re: Igy irnak o"k (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

George Kovacs wrote:
>   writes:
> >> Sirjunk vagy nevessunk ezen, amit odat ir rolunk regi kedves ismerosunk?
> >>
> >Szereny velemenyem szerint sajnaljuk. Valami tortent gyerekkoraban.
> >Talan valaki elvette a  zabos zsakot mielott vegzett az
> >evessel. A mai napokban meg hogy a kukorica ara nagyon
> >magas es a 'tortenesz fizetesebol' nem tud sokat venni.
> >Szegeny ember. Ennek egy jo mennyecske kell es egy jo
> >Gulyas leves.
> Egyes elmeletek szerint kedves tortenesz baratunk azonos Maria Egorov AOL-os
> hallgatonkkal, akinek ezek szerint nem menyecske kene, hanem egy jo nagy ....
> GK

Mondjuk hogy az elmeletek szerint az irantunk elfogult rejtelmes
tortenesz azonos avval a nonemu illetovel.-Mondjuk, hogy mint mindig,
 mi nagylelkuek vagyunk es szavazunk "Egy jo nagy.... KI NE MONDD"-ot a 
ba'jos es titkos mimoza lelku szurkolonknak... Egy kerdes megis var
 a valaszra: Melyik politikust ajanlod?  

+ - Re: Some little known historical facts (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Marina Robb wrote:
> Marina Robb > wrote in article
> >...
> >
> >
> > Gustav Horvath > wrote in article
> > >...
> > > ""Marina Robb" > writes:
> >
> > > According to Rodney Castledens World History, in 410 AD the  Huns (the
> > > forerunners of the Turks and HUN/-/GARIANS) introduced trousers, which
> > replaced
> > > togas and stirrups for horse-riding.It seems to me quite obvious that
> > these
> > > "uncivilized and uncultured" people had more urge to prevent their
> > private parts
> > > from hanging out than their "civilized" counterparts whom kept falling
> > off of
> > > their horses and in this process evidently showed "who was the man".
> > > Cheers, Gustav
> > >
> > > What the hell have trousers got to do with civilization? A barbarian in
> > trousers is still a barbarian!!! Toga wearers produced philosophy, art,
> > mathematics and science.  Maybe its Freudian you know, covering up what
> you
> > haven't got. That penis envy thing that old Sigmund talked about!
> >
> > p.s Don't take this TOO seriously. Some people obviously have no sense of
> humor.
> Marina
Ever fight with the "old man" over who gets to wear the skirt that day?
That "penis envy" thing was about women being envious of men, so said
Freud, girl you are loony or just lost the Skirt battle.
+ - Re: NATO, the USA and Ukraine * Other considerations (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Yuri Omelchenko  > wrote:
>I'm just curious --- how many Poles really believe in this bullshit?
>Rest assured that 99.9(9)% of the ordinary Russians would wish to have
>nothing to do with the Poles except conducting business.
>The same is true about the Orthodox Ukrainians -
>they will never form alliance with Catholic Poland.
>For the same reasons Russia, Ukraine and Belorussia will always be 

>spiritually linked together - regardless of the intensity of pictures 

>that some Poles and American Ukrainians might conjure up in their vivid

>So let's make business in peace and be happy with our respective 
>sovereignties. It is that simple.
>Yuri Omelchenko   

Ukrainians love Russia the way Ichkerians do.  Russians were the opressors
and colonizers.  Omelchenko is out of touch with reality if he thinks
that only Poles and American Ukrainians share the thoughts which he
ascribes to them.  Travel to Kyiv and find out!  Kyevites will tell you in
Russian how happy they are to be rid of the Russianr empire and its chynovnyks.

+ - Re: Some little known historical facts (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On 14 Mar 1997 10:15:25 GMT, Gustav Horvath > wrote:

>According to Rodney Castledens World History, in 410 AD the  Huns (the 
>forerunners of the Turks and HUN/-/GARIANS) introduced trousers, which replace
>togas and stirrups for horse-riding.It seems to me quite obvious that these 
>"uncivilized and uncultured" people had more urge to prevent their private 
>from hanging out than their "civilized" counterparts whom kept falling off of 
>their horses and in this process evidently showed "who was the man".

Ah, so that explains why all those "sans culotte"-s in France even in
the 18th century! ;-)
BTW, somewhere I've read that our ancestors did also invent the
underware.  Some nomadic barbarians them must have been!

Joe Pannon
REMINDER: Please correct my e-mail address in any personal reply by
removing the "antiSPAM." part from it.  I have altered the address
in the hope of defeating address grabbing SPAM software.  Thanks, JP
+ - Re: NATO, the USA and Ukraine * Other considerations (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  says...

>What about the Polish army who attempted to "liberate" the western
>Ukraine in the same 1920? About friends --- mine are of the opposite

Hey Yuri,
For your information:

In 1920 Polish Army was kicking Russian Army's ass, when they
"by accident" were trying to "liberate" Poland via Western Ukraine .

At least I was told so :-)

Mr. Kudla
Travel like a KING! Be your own TRAVEL AGENT.
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+ - Some little known historical facts (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

""Marina Robb" > writes:
> the uncivilised and uncultured
> Turks (whatever culture you've got you got it from the Arabs, a civilised
> people) 
According to Rodney Castledens World History, in 410 AD the  Huns (the 
forerunners of the Turks and HUN/-/GARIANS) introduced trousers, which replaced
togas and stirrups for horse-riding.It seems to me quite obvious that these 
"uncivilized and uncultured" people had more urge to prevent their private part
from hanging out than their "civilized" counterparts whom kept falling off of 
their horses and in this process evidently showed "who was the man".
Cheers, Gustav
+ - Re: Some little known historical facts (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Marina Robb > wrote in article
> Gustav Horvath > wrote in article
> >...
> > ""Marina Robb" > writes:
> > According to Rodney Castledens World History, in 410 AD the  Huns (the 
> > forerunners of the Turks and HUN/-/GARIANS) introduced trousers, which
> replaced
> > togas and stirrups for horse-riding.It seems to me quite obvious that
> these 
> > "uncivilized and uncultured" people had more urge to prevent their
> private parts
> > from hanging out than their "civilized" counterparts whom kept falling
> off of 
> > their horses and in this process evidently showed "who was the man".
> > Cheers, Gustav   
> > 
> > What the hell have trousers got to do with civilization? A barbarian in
> trousers is still a barbarian!!! Toga wearers produced philosophy, art,
> mathematics and science.  Maybe its Freudian you know, covering up what
> haven't got. That penis envy thing that old Sigmund talked about!
> p.s Don't take this TOO seriously. Some people obviously have no sense of

+ - Re: NATO, the USA and Ukraine * Other considerations (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Yuri Omelchenko ) wrote:
: What about the Polish army who attempted to "liberate" the western
: Ukraine in the same 1920? 

To all my knowledge, the Polish army was chasing the bolshies away from
their dream encounter with comrade Luxemburg in Berlin.  I only wish they
went all the way to Moscow...

+ - Re: Some little known historical facts (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Gustav Horvath > wrote in article
> ""Marina Robb" > writes:

> According to Rodney Castledens World History, in 410 AD the  Huns (the 
> forerunners of the Turks and HUN/-/GARIANS) introduced trousers, which
> togas and stirrups for horse-riding.It seems to me quite obvious that
> "uncivilized and uncultured" people had more urge to prevent their
private parts
> from hanging out than their "civilized" counterparts whom kept falling
off of 
> their horses and in this process evidently showed "who was the man".
> Cheers, Gustav   
> What the hell have trousers got to do with civilization? A barbarian in
trousers is still a barbarian!!! Toga wearers prooduced philosophy, art,
mathematics and science.  Maybe its Freudian you know, covering up what you
haven't got. That penis envy thing that old sigmund talked about!
+ - Re: Some little known historical facts (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Gustav Horvath wrote:
> ""Marina Robb" > writes:
> snip
> > the uncivilised and uncultured
> > Turks (whatever culture you've got you got it from the Arabs, a civilised
> > people)
> snip
> According to Rodney Castledens World History, in 410 AD the  Huns (the
> forerunners of the Turks and HUN/-/GARIANS) introduced trousers, which replac
> togas and stirrups for horse-riding.It seems to me quite obvious that these
> "uncivilized and uncultured" people had more urge to prevent their private pa
> from hanging out than their "civilized" counterparts whom kept falling off of
> their horses and in this process evidently showed "who was the man".
> Cheers, Gustav

  Not only "showed that" but it was the main reason why Huns were 
 extremely successfull in their campaignes; Those people, I tell
 you, kept falling off their horses for foreplay.
  I say negative population growth has its roots in ancient times.

  Historian of the day.
+ - Re: NATO, the USA and Ukraine * Other considerations (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Lukasz Rzepinski > wrote:
>Strange, but Ukrainian military goverment offered Poland an alliance in 1991.
>Eastern Ukraine don't love Poland in fact, but western understand Poland is
>the only way to civilisation.

To the best of my knowledge the overwhelming majority of the Ukrainian 
population live to the east of Kyiv. And "the way to civilization" is
rather bogus, don't you find so?  

>Ukrainian spiritual link to Russia was russian army.
>Please remind tries to create free Ukraine in 1920. Believe me, I know >many U
krainians. They DON'T love Russia.

What about the Polish army who attempted to "liberate" the western
Ukraine in the same 1920? About friends --- mine are of the opposite

>Yes, but many of russian goverment don't think like you.

Many of the Russian government don't think at all -- they are busy
stealing. Their motto --- Apres moi le deluge. Poland is definitely
of no concern to them.

>Best wishes.
>Lukasz Rzepinski

The same to you.
Yuri Omelchenko
+ - Re: Some little known historical facts (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On Fri, 14 Mar 1997 19:14:37 -0800, 
 > wrote:
>Many toga bearers also practiced an alternate lifestyle and 
>an 'airy' comfort.

And they probably knew nothing about jock itch. 

Joe Pannon
REMINDER: Please correct my e-mail address in any personal reply by
removing the "antiSPAM." part from it.  I have altered the address
in the hope of defeating address grabbing SPAM software.  Thanks, JP
+ - Re: George Soros (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On 12 Mar 1997 12:55:44 GMT, LZKISS > wrote:
>A Leben und Leben lassen hagyomanyosan is meg ma is azt jelenti: fejd az
>adofizetoket az allamon keresztul jo liberal, es hagyd hogy masok is
>fejjek. Pfuj.

Bizony!  Egyre tobbet hallani az UN azon igyekezeterol is, hogy
valamifele, az egesz vilagra kiterjedo jovedelemadot akar szedni,
akarcsak az amerikai szovetsegi kormany az USA allamainak polgaraitol,
aminek egy jo reszet aztan ujra elosztja a tagallamok kozott.
Meg csak ez hianyzik nekunk!

Pannon J. 
REMINDER: Please correct my e-mail address in any personal reply by
removing the "antiSPAM." part from it.  I have altered the address
in the hope of defeating address grabbing SPAM software.  Thanks, JP
+ - Re: Kommunista Kina vasarolt amerikai elnokot (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Gabor Barsai > wrote:
>> republikanusoknal most mar csak valami jo noi jelolt johet szoba jo
>> esellyel.
>Hmmmmm...ezt eppen te mondod?

Miert?  Eddig ugy tuntem, hogy noellenes vagyok?

Joe Pannon
REMINDER: Please correct my e-mail address in any personal reply by
removing the "antiSPAM." part from it.  I have altered the address
in the hope of defeating address grabbing SPAM software.  Thanks, JP
+ - Re: Istvannak es a Magyar listanak (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

> Ugyanis a Usenet altalanosan elfogadott nyelve az angol,
>No, erdekelne engem pl. az, hogy hogyan magyarazza ki magat mostanaban
>Szepesi 56-os gyalazatos szerepeert
>Gondolom ez a "Litvan" Liptak akart lenni, nem?

Megdobbento! Mindenkinek igaza van. De nem egeszen!

J-m, ha korulnezel , lathatod, hogy a szomszed (testveri!)
nepek a maguk nyelven povedalnak, meg a nemetek is tobbnyire
nemetul, az angolokrol nem is beszelve, akik csak angolul
tudnak csevegni. Amit angolul akarok irni azt a hungary
listara adom. Persze mindket listan, ha magyarul szolitanak:
magyarul, ha angolul, akkor angolul (mar amennyire)
valaszolok. De a szennyes otthon maradhat mindket nyelven.

Igen, Sepesi motyogasara en is kivancsi lennek.

Igen, abszolut Liptak. Hogy hogyan LETT LITVANbol liptak,
ESZT, kerlek, nem tudom, talan el-IRas (majdnem azt irtam
itt, hogy FINN-m sincs rola).
Belam, bocsanatert esedezem, ez a budos keyboard ejfel utan
mar nem tudja, hogy mit csinal!

Te, Pannon, mi helyett all az a "J" a Pannon utan? Janos?
Jozsi? Nalam a Dominus utani "v" azt jelenti, hogy vobiscum.

+ - Re: Some little known historical facts (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Marina Robb wrote:
> >
> > What the hell have trousers got to do with civilization? A barbarian in
> trousers is still a barbarian!!! Toga wearers prooduced philosophy, art,
> mathematics and science.  Maybe its Freudian you know, covering up what you
> haven't got. That penis envy thing that old sigmund talked about!

Many toga bearers also practiced an alternate lifestyle and 
an 'airy' comfort. Toga or no toga, their empires are gone 
today just like many trouser wearing peoples'.

                Mark O.F.
+ - Re: NATO, the USA and Ukraine * Other considerations (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Dear Andrei,

Your posting is one of several items appearing on this newsgroup and
wondering, from the Russian point of view, why Poland wants to became a
NATO member. Some of such postings were effectively stating that their
authors believe that Poland's membership in NATO is against Russia's
interest - so I did not feel compelled to answer them. 

Your posting is stating a different point of view, raised also by Yuri
Omelchenko: that Russian _people_ (as individuals) want nothing from
Poland, therefore Poland has no reason to join NATO. As this is more
'personal' argument I wanted to answer you and Yuri.

Let me state clearly: I agree with both of you that most Russians are not
particularly interested or care about Poland. This is not an abstract
agreement - I happen to know several Russians. They have more pressing
and/or interesting problems. 

Unfortunately, the reasons for most Poles wanting to join NATO are not
based on the interest (or lack of) of private Russian citiziens. They are
based on recent history and current situation. They are based on the
perceived stability, behaviour and the political interests of the Russian
_State_. In short and somewhat frivolously: 'nothing personal - just
professional considerations'. There are effectively three main reasons for
Poles wanting to join NATO:

	1) I doubt that many Russian citiziens wholeheartedly supported  Russian
military intervention in Tchetchnya - yet it did happen, mostly because
only a small minority of the people in power circles in the Russian _State_
(to me it includes the military) wanted it. In short: the fact that most
Russian citiziens do not want something does not mean that the _State_ does
not want it.

	2) Frequently stated by Russian State officials 'Russian interests'
outside Russia's borders.

	3) Perception of rather fragile stability of the Russian _State_ right
now. President's Yeltsin successor may have different views on many
European matters. And, to establish his power base inside the country, he
may want to play the card of international politics. There are some
elements in the Russian politics which would welcome 'stronger' foreign
policy. Current economic situation in Russia also does not point to growing

Yes, I agree with Yuri that the best way is to do business. Growing
economic cooperation between countries is usually the best way to reduce

But, I hope, you do recognize that Poles do not seek entry to NATO in order
to make the situation less stable by advocating conflict with Russia. They
want to join NATO to make the situation _more_ stable. To have better
chance of pursuing these business with their neighbours in a stable

Andrei Popov > wrote in article
> Wojtek Rypniewski wrote:
> > Would the West send their soldiers to die for Bialystok? They most
> > certainly would not! And Poland's enemies know it very well.
> the worst enemy of Poland is it's paranoia, e.g. obsession with
> self-importance.
> > Risking all defending Poland is such an absurd idea to the Western mind
> > that we Poles should just forget it. Once and for all. Let's stop being
> > naive and face the hard truth and then think calmly and without
> > illusions what we can really do to protect ourselves.
> The best thing you can do is consult a psychotherapist. He might tell you
> the story about USA defence secretary who jumped out the window yelling: 
> "Russians are coming!"
> Tell me for God's sake: what the ***k does Russia need in Poland?! 
> Land? 
> :-)
> Food?
> :-))
> vodka?
> :-(((
> not even funny, it's horrible
> People?
> :-)))))))))))
> best luck
> Andrei
+ - Re: NATO, the USA and Ukraine * Other considerations (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

>Ukrainians love Russia the way Ichkerians do.  Russians were the opressors
>and colonizers.  Omelchenko is out of touch with reality if he thinks
>that only Poles and American Ukrainians share the thoughts which he
>ascribes to them.  Travel to Kyiv and find out!  Kyevites will tell you in
>Russian how happy they are to be rid of the Russianr empire and its chynovnyks

Kyiv is very much like Moscow -- awash with greedy corrupt people and
under the influence of the hateful nationalists. It is the line that
separates the western and eastern Ukrainians -- no wonder about that
sentiment. My countersuggestion is -- go to Dnipropetrovsk, Lugansk,
Harkiv, Donbass, Crimea and find out for yourself what people there
think of their "nezalezhnih chinovnikah" and the Kyev policy in general.

+ - Re: George Soros (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On Thu, 13 Mar 1997 20:31:43 GMT, Dominus > wrote:
>Uzeneted vegen van egy "reminder". Nem ismerem a mesejet.
>Mukodott? Mukodik?

Mintha kevesebb molesztalasban lenne reszem a handlesoktol.  Persze meg
sok hirdeto regebbi adatbazissal dolgozik, s akkor meg nem
"hamisitottam" a feladot.  Szoval par hivatlan szolicitalas meg akad
minden nap.

Joe Pannon
REMINDER: Please correct my e-mail address in any personal reply by
removing the "antiSPAM." part from it.  I have altered the address
in the hope of defeating address grabbing SPAM software.  Thanks, JP
+ - Re: George Soros Founds Charter Europe (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

aheringer > wrote
> Many Hungarian Jews'roots are much deeper than some non-Jews'. 

Agree.  I would go as far as question anyone who makes anti-Semitic attacks
on behalf of Hungarians, especially on the Internet.  They may be trying to
harm the reputation of Hungary and Hungarians. 

> I don't understand why Soros is constantly attacked only because he 
> gives a lot of aid all over the world.

Soros advocates a very liberal social philosophy.  You can disagree with
him, I do, without being anti-Semitic.  As a conservative, I find little
that I like about his social agenda for America.  Perhaps, you are overly
sensitive and read more into some statements than need be.  

>  And I don't understand why Soros - as well as Sarlos - are
> giving so much aid to Hungary when all the thanks they get 
> are antisemitic attacks!

That is totally unfair.  Why do you have to say things like "all the thanks
they get are antisemitic attacks!"  Just think, generalizations like this
caused a lot of grief for some of your folks. 

I am really enjoying this.  Playing the role of a great and wise moderator.
 The Internet is fun-fun-fun.

Udv: Istvan
+ - Re: Some little known historical facts (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

"Marina Robb" > writes:
> Gustav Horvath > wrote in article
> >...
> > ""Marina Robb" > writes:
  Maybe its Freudian you know, covering up what you
> haven't got. That penis envy thing that old sigmund talked about!

Oh, so this was the reason for quiting togas? 
We tought it had to do with horse-riding, but you might be right.
Old Sigmund probably was not too much of a horse-rider.
+ - Re: MAKOIAK (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On 10 Mar 1997 00:23:04 GMT, EUROPE H > wrote:
>Makoiakat keresek akikrol MAKOROL latogatjak ezt a helyet vagy akrmelyik
>internet helyet. Kerem valaszoljanak.

Hat a'szem, hogy itt tobbet talalsz Jeruzsalembol, mint Makobol. ;-)

Joe Pannon
REMINDER: Please correct my e-mail address in any personal reply by
removing the "antiSPAM." part from it.  I have altered the address
in the hope of defeating address grabbing SPAM software.  Thanks, JP
+ - Re: Looking for Hungarian-English Dictionary (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

> Can anyone recommend a good Hungarian-English dictionary?
> --
>  (Stuart Makagon)
Yes, sure.

I guess Orszagh Laszlo's /editor/ Hungarian-English big dictionary
wouldn't be a bad choice!

.....and it's kinda popular as well. 

Try this out, you'll see.


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