1. |
Re: Deng Xiaoping - a lonak negy laba van... (mind) |
9 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: Kitantorgott Amerikaba masfel millio emberunk (mind) |
20 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Re: Turtoztetett valasz a Horvath Laszlo mocskoskodasar (mind) |
23 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Re: Turtoztetett valasz a Horvath Laszlo mocskoskodasar (mind) |
37 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: Karakan gyerek a Kristof - de a magyar lanyok a leg (mind) |
12 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Re: Egy kis etimologia (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Re: Translation help (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
JOB: English --> Hungarian translator (mind) |
7 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
LE MONGOLS (mind) |
115 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
115 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
Re: bincancel:12 large binaries:AR939:@@NCM (mind) |
74 sor |
(cikkei) |
12. |
Re: Karakan gyerek a Kristof - de a magyar lanyok a leg (mind) |
15 sor |
(cikkei) |
13. |
Re: Karakan gyerek a Kristof - karakanok a lengyelek is (mind) |
20 sor |
(cikkei) |
14. |
1 sor |
(cikkei) |
15. |
Re: evita (mind) |
22 sor |
(cikkei) |
16. |
Re: Wake up Yuri, and look around you! (mind) |
17 sor |
(cikkei) |
17. |
DOMBI; IN USA (mind) |
7 sor |
(cikkei) |
18. |
115 sor |
(cikkei) |
19. |
Re: Karakan gyerek a Kristof - karakanok a lengyelek is (mind) |
15 sor |
(cikkei) |
20. |
Re: MONGOLS-mindd a 6 uzenetet vissza a feladonak (mind) |
16 sor |
(cikkei) |
21. |
ISFA News : NEW Pelayo s Goals !!! (mind) |
24 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: Deng Xiaoping - a lonak negy laba van... (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
> writes:
> >Masok is botlanak es nem kene
> >oket mindjart fasisztazni es muszkazni. Ugye Laszlo?
Ezt nem rad, hanem Laszlora celoztam. Ugy latszik, hogy 'megint' nem jol
fejeztem ki magam.
Amint mondtam, negy laba van a lonak...
+ - | Re: Kitantorgott Amerikaba masfel millio emberunk (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Istvan Lippai ) wrote:
: Tudatom szerint, en meg a Batyam voltunk az elso Lippaik Szeged
: kornyekerol. Gondolom, hogy masoknak vannak rokonaik akkik az Ellis
: Island-on keresztul erkeztek ide. Nekik sokkal nehezebb eletuk volt mint
: nekunk. Van ezekrol a magyarokrol valahol leiras?
: Istvan
Sok van. Nekem megvan a kovetkezo:
Ah, Amerika! -- Documentumok a kivandorlasrol 1896-1914, Daniel Ferenc es
Orosz Istvan szerzoktol. Gondolat, Budapest 1988. Ez egy sok eredeti
fenykeppel illusztralt konyv. Az Ellis Island-rol egy egesz fejezetben
Konytarakban sok mast is lehet talalni. Magyar nyelven keresd Puskas
Julia konyveit cikkeit errol a temarol. Angolul pedig Bela S. Vardy: The
Hungarian-Americans egy jo kiindulo pont.
Barna Bozoki
+ - | Re: Turtoztetett valasz a Horvath Laszlo mocskoskodasar (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
> Pista,
> most mar igazan kezdesz "redundant" lenni a HUNGARY listara valo
> utalasaiddal, megha igazad is van abban, amit mondasz. Azt hiszem masok
> is latjak azt, akik olvassak a listat.
Reszben igazad van reszben nincs. Ha 'csak' a Horvath Laszlo levelet
olvasod, akkor nehez kifigurazni, hogy a HUNGARY listan valtott
leveleinkert probal mocskolni itt.
Laszlo Horvath > wrote
> Valoban Angyalfoldi vagy s nem valami muszka-foldi Istvan?
Oszinten szolva, 'magyarossan' meg szerettem volna neki mondani, hogy mit
gondoltam erre az aljas megjegyzesere. A ti 'finom' lelketekre valo
tekintettel turtoztettem magamat.
A Kozma-val kapcsolatban Te is ugyanazt mondod amit en. En azt is hozza
adnam, hogy a HUNGARY listan mint egy host istenitik. Miert nem illo ezt
Udv: Pista
+ - | Re: Turtoztetett valasz a Horvath Laszlo mocskoskodasar (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On 20 Feb 1997 00:52:14 GMT, Istvan Lippai > wrot
>A HUNGARY listan divatos a magyarokat fasizstanak es antiszemitanak
most mar igazan kezdesz "redundant" lenni a HUNGARY listara valo
utalasaiddal, megha igazad is van abban, amit mondasz. Azt hiszem masok
is latjak azt, akik olvassak a listat.
Amit viszont valoszinu nem tudsz, az az, ahogy Andy baratunk felbukkant
az Interneten. S raadasul nem is a HUNGARYban, hanem itt, az
s.c.m.-ben. A dolog ugy kezdodott, hogy valaki emlitette, hogy mennyi
Nobel dijas volt magyar szarmazasu. Erre Kozma az o veretes irodalmi
stilusaval azzal vagott vissza, hogy azon Nobel dijasok nagy tobbsege
zsido volt, s azok utan, ahogy a magyarok bantak a zsidokkal, jobb
lenne, ha ne ekeskednenek idegen tollakkal (I am paraphrasing here).
Erre persze egy csomoan jol lehordtak Andyt, aki azutan szep lassan
elsomfordalt a neki sokkal vendegszeretobb HUNGARY listara. Akkoriban
en is irogattam oda, s amikor ott is elojott valami hulyesegevel, szepen
helyere is tettem ott. A poen csak az, hogy eleinte meg BE is ellene
Kozben en es Toth Miska felmondtuk a listat az igeretevel szembeni
cenzura miatt, s azota csak olvasni szoktam, akarcsak a SZABAD FORUMot.
Jo kis szunet utan Kozma ismet felbukkant a listan, de most mar a
szokasos on-sajnaltato szovegekkel (a magyarok nyilt tamadasa helyett),
s azota a lista hoseve avanzsalt, lathatolag meg azoknal is, akik
eleinte szapultak. Szoval ennyit az elozmenyekrol, bar mar ez is talan
tobb, mint az ugy erdemel. Kulonben azt a listat nem az ilyen
szerencsetlenek, mint Andy, tettek tonkre, hanem a Stowe-Szalay paros,
akik latszolag egymas ellenfelei, de igazabol jo haverok, s csak a balhe
kedveert teszik, amit tesznek. Tulsagosan szeretik csillogtatni
folenyes angol fogalmazasi keszseguket.
+ - | Re: Karakan gyerek a Kristof - de a magyar lanyok a leg (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
"Istvan Lippai" > wrote:
>Ha mar itt vagy, szerinted hol vannak a legszebb lanyok? Mint oreg ficko,
>ez nekem csak elmeleti, de nagyon fontos, tema.
>>Udv: Istvan
Istvan, mindenki tudja hogy a legszebb lanyok magyar orszagon vannak.
Egyesek szeretnek tudni hogy hol vannak a ' Szep Lanyok' ?
Udv: Mark
+ - | Re: Egy kis etimologia (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Kosz, Nagymama!
Es mi van az ipsevel?
(aheringer) wrote:
>Nyilvan regi, mert en mufurcnak beceztem a gyerekeimet, de most mar rege
>nagymama vagyok!
+ - | Re: Translation help (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > ,
>Hat a "birosag megsertese" inkabb "offense against the court" lenne, de
>gondolom jobb szot a magyarban nem igen talalunk a "contempt"-re.
Lehet, hogy van megfeleloje az angolszasz jogi fogalmaknak a
magyar jogi szakirodalomban, de nem biztos, hogy letezik is
ez a dolog a magyar jogon belul . A magyar jog meglehetosen
elter az angolszasztol.
+ - | JOB: English --> Hungarian translator (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Franklin Electronic Publishers is looking for a perfectly bilingual native
Hungarian-speaking translator, preferably with lexicography experience, who
can be available to work about twenty hours a week (at home) for up to two
months on a database which we are developing. We are also accepting
resumes for a full-time on-site linguist position, although for this position,
competence in additional languages is required. For further information,
please send e-mail to Peter Slomanson at .
+ - | LE MONGOLS (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
ARE HUNGARIANS MONGOLS? (Revised Version)Version 3
The Hungarians does not look any more Mongoloids for the same reasons the
Turks in Istanbul
look European.
It is also true that the Hungarians of today look European.But their roots
are Mongolic.
From Britannica :(Languages of the world)
"Racially the Uralic people present an unhomogeneous picture.In general
they may be considered
a bland of Europeans and Mongoloid types,with the more western
groups(especially the Hungarians,Baltic-Finnic and Erzya Mardvin groups)
being strongly European and those of the Urals primarily Mongoloid".
From " De Administrado Imperio"by Constantine Porphyrogenitus (Byzantine
"These eight clans of the TURKS(Hungarians) do not obey their own
particular princes...,They
have for their first chief the prince who comes by succession of Arpad's
From The Hungarian Chronicle(1095AD):
"We (Hungarians) are descendants of the great Huns of Attila".
From "The Mongols" By Jeremiah Curtin
"Five groups of Mongols have made themselves famous in Europe:The Huns
with their mighty chief Attila,the Magyars,The Turks or Osmanli,the Mongol
invaders of Russia..."
From "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" By Edward Gibbon.
"The(Hungarians) are distinguished by the Greeks under the proper and
peculiar name of Turks,
as descendants of that people who had conquered and reigned form China to
the Volga (referring to the Mongols)".
From "The Cambridge Medieval History" edited by J.H.Hussey.
"The form ovyypoi,from which are derived the various names current to this
day among the people of Europe(Old Church Slavonic,UGRI;
GHERESI,and so on)comes from the Turkic ethnic name ONOGUR meaning TEN
From "The Thirteenth Tribe" by Arthur Koestler.
"We also hear of a fearful encounter which St.Cyril,the Apostle of the
Slav,had with a Magyar horde in 860,on his way to Khazaria.He was saying
his prayers when they rushed at him luporum more ululantes-HOWLING IN THE
From "Britannica"(Languages of the world).
"Recent study indicates that it is posible to speak of a Uralic racial
type,an intermediate stage between the European and the Mongoloid,the
basic features of which are medium-dark to dark hair and eye
colour,relatively small stature and often a concave bridge of the nose".
(Hungary is part of Uralic racial type).
From "Britanica" Hungarian.
"The proto-Hungarians were apparently an ethnic blend of Ugric(Mongoloid)
and Turkish peoples living in western Siberia...The Hungarians were the
scourge of Europe,raiding as far afield as Bremen,Orleans and
Constantinople(the English word OGRE-a men eating man,hideous cruel man,is
a corruption of HUNGAR,attests to their notoriety).
From "1000 years of Hungary" By Emil Lengyel.
"(Hungarian) Folklore speaks about NIMROD the giant,who had two sons,HUNOR
and HAGAR.The former was the ancestor of the HUNS,and MAGOR was the
ancestor of the MAGYARS."
"The experience the Magyars left with the Western world was so traumatic
that even generations later people form the West saw the Hungarians as
apocalyptic monsters. Bishop Otto of Freysing spoke of the exterior of the
Hungarians as ‘ferocious' at the time of the Crusades :(Their eyes are
sunken,their stature is short,their behavior wild,their language
barbarous,so that one can either accuse fate or marvel at divine patience
for having permitted these monsters the possession of an enchanting
From "History of Hungary" By Denis Sinor
"Though, geographically speaking, of European origin, the Hungarians who
settled in the Danube valley were,spiritually and materially, Asiatics,
and belonged to the great Central Euroasiatic cultural family whose
members lived dispersed form the Danube to China, from Persia and India to
the Arctic. The Hungarian bows and arrows...were of exactly the same type
as those used in Central Asia. As nomadic peoples generally do, the
Hungarians disliked towns,and even houses,to which they preferred tents.
According to Otto von Freisingen, as late as the middle of the twelfth
century, summer and autumn were still spent under tents".
"It is, however quite certain that the Mongoloid type was well represented
among them (Hungarians), and that they were, on the whole, of rather short
stature, with short legs, bowed through continuous riding".
There are many more credible sources like these.
+ - | LE HUNS OR LE GYPSY? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
ARE HUNGARIANS MONGOLS? (Revised Version)Version 3
The Hungarians does not look any more Mongoloids for the same reasons the
Turks in Istanbul
look European.
It is also true that the Hungarians of today look European.But their roots
are Mongolic.
From Britannica :(Languages of the world)
"Racially the Uralic people present an unhomogeneous picture.In general
they may be considered
a bland of Europeans and Mongoloid types,with the more western
groups(especially the Hungarians,Baltic-Finnic and Erzya Mardvin groups)
being strongly European and those of the Urals primarily Mongoloid".
From " De Administrado Imperio"by Constantine Porphyrogenitus (Byzantine
"These eight clans of the TURKS(Hungarians) do not obey their own
particular princes...,They
have for their first chief the prince who comes by succession of Arpad's
From The Hungarian Chronicle(1095AD):
"We (Hungarians) are descendants of the great Huns of Attila".
From "The Mongols" By Jeremiah Curtin
"Five groups of Mongols have made themselves famous in Europe:The Huns
with their mighty chief Attila,the Magyars,The Turks or Osmanli,the Mongol
invaders of Russia..."
From "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" By Edward Gibbon.
"The(Hungarians) are distinguished by the Greeks under the proper and
peculiar name of Turks,
as descendants of that people who had conquered and reigned form China to
the Volga (referring to the Mongols)".
From "The Cambridge Medieval History" edited by J.H.Hussey.
"The form ovyypoi,from which are derived the various names current to this
day among the people of Europe(Old Church Slavonic,UGRI;
GHERESI,and so on)comes from the Turkic ethnic name ONOGUR meaning TEN
From "The Thirteenth Tribe" by Arthur Koestler.
"We also hear of a fearful encounter which St.Cyril,the Apostle of the
Slav,had with a Magyar horde in 860,on his way to Khazaria.He was saying
his prayers when they rushed at him luporum more ululantes-HOWLING IN THE
From "Britannica"(Languages of the world).
"Recent study indicates that it is posible to speak of a Uralic racial
type,an intermediate stage between the European and the Mongoloid,the
basic features of which are medium-dark to dark hair and eye
colour,relatively small stature and often a concave bridge of the nose".
(Hungary is part of Uralic racial type).
From "Britanica" Hungarian.
"The proto-Hungarians were apparently an ethnic blend of Ugric(Mongoloid)
and Turkish peoples living in western Siberia...The Hungarians were the
scourge of Europe,raiding as far afield as Bremen,Orleans and
Constantinople(the English word OGRE-a men eating man,hideous cruel man,is
a corruption of HUNGAR,attests to their notoriety).
From "1000 years of Hungary" By Emil Lengyel.
"(Hungarian) Folklore speaks about NIMROD the giant,who had two sons,HUNOR
and HAGAR.The former was the ancestor of the HUNS,and MAGOR was the
ancestor of the MAGYARS."
"The experience the Magyars left with the Western world was so traumatic
that even generations later people form the West saw the Hungarians as
apocalyptic monsters. Bishop Otto of Freysing spoke of the exterior of the
Hungarians as ‘ferocious' at the time of the Crusades :(Their eyes are
sunken,their stature is short,their behavior wild,their language
barbarous,so that one can either accuse fate or marvel at divine patience
for having permitted these monsters the possession of an enchanting
From "History of Hungary" By Denis Sinor
"Though, geographically speaking, of European origin, the Hungarians who
settled in the Danube valley were,spiritually and materially, Asiatics,
and belonged to the great Central Euroasiatic cultural family whose
members lived dispersed form the Danube to China, from Persia and India to
the Arctic. The Hungarian bows and arrows...were of exactly the same type
as those used in Central Asia. As nomadic peoples generally do, the
Hungarians disliked towns,and even houses,to which they preferred tents.
According to Otto von Freisingen, as late as the middle of the twelfth
century, summer and autumn were still spent under tents".
"It is, however quite certain that the Mongoloid type was well represented
among them (Hungarians), and that they were, on the whole, of rather short
stature, with short legs, bowed through continuous riding".
There are many more credible sources like these.
+ - | Re: bincancel:12 large binaries:AR939:@@NCM (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Large binary posts do not belong in unmoderated discussion groups.
Please read this entire message, the Bincancel FAQ, and the complete
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large binaries in the akr, biz, comp, humanities, misc, news, nz, rec,
sci, soc, and talk hierarchies.
I have issued 12 cancels for large binary files (average size 175,890
characters - total size 2,110,677 characters) posted to 6 different
unmoderated discussion groups in the misc, rec, sci, and soc
hierarchies (with cross-posts into alt groups) as follows:
6 rec.martial-arts
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The unnumbered newsgroups in the list are not separate posts, but
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Best wishes,
Richard E. Depew, Munroe Falls, OH (home)
It's over, and can't be helped, and that's one consolation, as they
always say in Turkey, when they cut the wrong man's head off''
-- Charles Dickens, _The Pickwick Papers_
+ - | Re: Karakan gyerek a Kristof - de a magyar lanyok a leg (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Denes BOGSANYI > wrote
> Rokonsag bar nics de szoros tortenelmi kapcsolat az van. A lengyel
> Jadwega (nemetul Hedwig) ha jol tudom Arpadhazi Szent Margit huga
> volt. O alapitotta ujra a Crakow-i egyetemet es o rajta keresztul lett
> a magyar Nagy Lajos lengyel kiraly.
Azt hiszem itt egy kicsit mas a helyzet. En ugyanis ugy emlekszem, hogy
Hedvig (lengyelul Jadwiga, nem Jadwega!) epp Nagy Lajos lanya volt aki
valami lengyelhez ment felesegul, aki apja utan lett a lengyel kiraly.
Joe Pannon
REMINDER: Please correct my e-mail address in any personal reply by
removing the "antiSPAM." part from it. I have altered the address
in the hope of defeating address grabbing SPAM software. Thanks, JP
+ - | Re: Karakan gyerek a Kristof - karakanok a lengyelek is (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
> > wrote
> > > Hatha most az itteni holgyek haragjat is hivom ki magam ellen,
> > > a lengyel nok nem maradnak el semmiben sem a magyaroktol, so"t!
> Lippai" > wrote
> > Valtozik a vilag!
> > Az en idomben a magyar lanyoknal a vilagon szebbet nem talaltal.
> > Ugy latszik, hogy miutan elmentem othonrol....
Gabor Barsai > wrote in
> Gyerekek! Ezek szerint nem ismertetek eleg latin-amerikai not, mert akkor
> nem mondanatok ilyesmit...
> Gabor
Ez mar haladas! Tudtam en, hogy ezek a listak csak jok valamire.
Emlekszem, hogy amikor Purdue-n bulit csinaltunk, mindeg meghivtuk
latin-amerikai lanyokat.
Gondolod, hogy azert olyan savanyu a tudod-ki-a-tudod-melyik-listan, mert
nem hivtak bulira?
A magyar lanyoknal szebb nincs!
Feladó: (cikkei)
Jo majd elmegyunk
+ - | Re: evita (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
ugy lattom, hogy NAGY lelegzetet vettel. Szerencsed, hogy
kitartott. Es most vegy egy ME'LY lelegzetet is, mert igy a
felszinen nem talalok sok ertelmet.
Szerintem a film jo, a musicalt mint mufajt nem szeretem
ugyan, de annak is jo. Mint tortenelem pocsek. De senki sem
megy oda (kulonosen Madonna rajongoi nem) toertenelmet
S a tobbit honnan vetted?
Dominus v.
Tibor Odor > wrote:
>...Maybe, Madonna is a great bitch... her voice is more pleasant than the roar
of lions...
>As a Hungarian I feel some kind of shame...anti-Hungarian propaganda
>film from their tax-forints....
>send your comments to >.
+ - | Re: Wake up Yuri, and look around you! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Cristian Chelariu wrote:
> Your country brought death, distruction, loss of individual freedom and
> dignity and economic stagnation for all the nations in Eastern Europe. If
> I would be in your place, I would keep my mouth shut and lower my head in
> shame.
yeah right. And where were you guys all the time? It's sure easy
to blame everything on Russians. Wasn't Chaushesku Romanian?
Wasn't Kadar Hungarian? Honeker - German? Yaruzel'ski - Polish?
And don't tell me their regimes wouldn't survive without Soviet help.
Perhaps you heard that Austria and Norway were liberated from Nazis
by Soviet troops. They just had the guts to say no to commies.
And you didn't until 80s.
So it's probably you who should shup up and lower your head in shame.
+ - | DOMBI; IN USA (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
+ - | KULTURA MONGOLICA (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
ARE HUNGARIANS MONGOLS? (Revised Version)Version 3
The Hungarians does not look any more Mongoloids for the same reasons the
Turks in Istanbul
look European.
It is also true that the Hungarians of today look European.But their roots
are Mongolic.
From Britannica :(Languages of the world)
"Racially the Uralic people present an unhomogeneous picture.In general
they may be considered
a bland of Europeans and Mongoloid types,with the more western
groups(especially the Hungarians,Baltic-Finnic and Erzya Mardvin groups)
being strongly European and those of the Urals primarily Mongoloid".
From " De Administrado Imperio"by Constantine Porphyrogenitus (Byzantine
"These eight clans of the TURKS(Hungarians) do not obey their own
particular princes...,They
have for their first chief the prince who comes by succession of Arpad's
From The Hungarian Chronicle(1095AD):
"We (Hungarians) are descendants of the great Huns of Attila".
From "The Mongols" By Jeremiah Curtin
"Five groups of Mongols have made themselves famous in Europe:The Huns
with their mighty chief Attila,the Magyars,The Turks or Osmanli,the Mongol
invaders of Russia..."
From "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" By Edward Gibbon.
"The(Hungarians) are distinguished by the Greeks under the proper and
peculiar name of Turks,
as descendants of that people who had conquered and reigned form China to
the Volga (referring to the Mongols)".
From "The Cambridge Medieval History" edited by J.H.Hussey.
"The form ovyypoi,from which are derived the various names current to this
day among the people of Europe(Old Church Slavonic,UGRI;
GHERESI,and so on)comes from the Turkic ethnic name ONOGUR meaning TEN
From "The Thirteenth Tribe" by Arthur Koestler.
"We also hear of a fearful encounter which St.Cyril,the Apostle of the
Slav,had with a Magyar horde in 860,on his way to Khazaria.He was saying
his prayers when they rushed at him luporum more ululantes-HOWLING IN THE
From "Britannica"(Languages of the world).
"Recent study indicates that it is posible to speak of a Uralic racial
type,an intermediate stage between the European and the Mongoloid,the
basic features of which are medium-dark to dark hair and eye
colour,relatively small stature and often a concave bridge of the nose".
(Hungary is part of Uralic racial type).
From "Britanica" Hungarian.
"The proto-Hungarians were apparently an ethnic blend of Ugric(Mongoloid)
and Turkish peoples living in western Siberia...The Hungarians were the
scourge of Europe,raiding as far afield as Bremen,Orleans and
Constantinople(the English word OGRE-a men eating man,hideous cruel man,is
a corruption of HUNGAR,attests to their notoriety).
From "1000 years of Hungary" By Emil Lengyel.
"(Hungarian) Folklore speaks about NIMROD the giant,who had two sons,HUNOR
and HAGAR.The former was the ancestor of the HUNS,and MAGOR was the
ancestor of the MAGYARS."
"The experience the Magyars left with the Western world was so traumatic
that even generations later people form the West saw the Hungarians as
apocalyptic monsters. Bishop Otto of Freysing spoke of the exterior of the
Hungarians as ‘ferocious' at the time of the Crusades :(Their eyes are
sunken,their stature is short,their behavior wild,their language
barbarous,so that one can either accuse fate or marvel at divine patience
for having permitted these monsters the possession of an enchanting
From "History of Hungary" By Denis Sinor
"Though, geographically speaking, of European origin, the Hungarians who
settled in the Danube valley were,spiritually and materially, Asiatics,
and belonged to the great Central Euroasiatic cultural family whose
members lived dispersed form the Danube to China, from Persia and India to
the Arctic. The Hungarian bows and arrows...were of exactly the same type
as those used in Central Asia. As nomadic peoples generally do, the
Hungarians disliked towns,and even houses,to which they preferred tents.
According to Otto von Freisingen, as late as the middle of the twelfth
century, summer and autumn were still spent under tents".
"It is, however quite certain that the Mongoloid type was well represented
among them (Hungarians), and that they were, on the whole, of rather short
stature, with short legs, bowed through continuous riding".
There are many more credible sources like these.
+ - | Re: Karakan gyerek a Kristof - karakanok a lengyelek is (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, "Istvan
Lippai" > wrote:
> wrote
> > Hatha most az itteni holgyek haragjat is hivom ki magam ellen, szerintem
> > a lengyel nok nem maradnak el semmiben sem a magyaroktol, so"t!
> Valtozik a vilag!
> Az en idomben a magyar lanyoknal a vilagon szebbet nem talaltal.
> Ugy latszik, hogy miutan elmentem othonrol....
> Udv: Istvan
Gyerekek! Ezek szerint nem ismertetek eleg latin-amerikai not, mert akkor
nem mondanatok ilyesmit...
+ - | Re: MONGOLS-mindd a 6 uzenetet vissza a feladonak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
RT765 > wrote
Mi magyarok eleg gyakran vitatkozunk eredetunkrol. Van aki tobb 'turk'-ot
lat az oseink kozott mint en, de ez se nagyon zavar. Sok magyar a fiat
Attilanak hivja, ami szinten arra vezet, vannak olyan magyarok akik a Hun
eredetunkben nemcsak hisznek hanem buszkek is ra.
Ha valaki 6 hosszu uzenettel bombazza a listat azok idezeseeivel akik a
'magyarok nyilaitol rettegtek' es csak tollal mertek szapulni az oseinket,
akkor annak nem nagyon orulok.
Fogtam es mindd a 6 uzenetet visszkuldtem egyszeruen 'Reply to Author'-nak.
Gondolom, hogy az 'RT765'-nek azert nincs neve met nem ismeri az apjat.
+ - | ISFA News : NEW Pelayo s Goals !!! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Hi : Pelayo has uploaded the goals for the Atletico de Madrid (2-2)
Barcelona played today. There are also the goals scored in the game between
Chelsea (2-2) Manchester Utd including a fabulous goal by Zola.
Just visit Pelayo's Goals Page at :
Also remember you can have a FREE Goals web page at ISFA so long as you
update it at least once a week during the season. Look in :
Cheers !
ISFA Administrator
Winning is a state of mind