1. |
From Ko3ba1nya to Bosnia (mind) |
73 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: Help for student of Hungarian (mind) |
35 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Re: Looking for Hungarian Gou... (mind) |
20 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Re: Recipes for gyulya's (mind) |
84 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Keresek Verseket (mind) |
8 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Washington, D.C. - Recital (mind) |
20 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
It is the national debt, stupid! (mind) |
57 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Illegal Immigrants (mind) |
6 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
budapesti lakas/apartment in budapest (mind) |
17 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
Re: B-H once again (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
Re: RFE/RL ? (mind) |
37 sor |
(cikkei) |
12. |
Re: B-H once again (mind) |
21 sor |
(cikkei) |
13. |
Re: The burglar next door (mind) |
86 sor |
(cikkei) |
14. |
Re: Life expectancy and NATO (mind) |
14 sor |
(cikkei) |
15. |
Re: Life expectancy and NATO (mind) |
37 sor |
(cikkei) |
16. |
Re: budapesti lakas/apartment in budapest (mind) |
14 sor |
(cikkei) |
17. |
Re: RFE/RL ? (mind) |
9 sor |
(cikkei) |
18. |
Re: It is the national debt, stupid! (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
19. |
Re: Szombathely (mind) |
10 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | From Ko3ba1nya to Bosnia (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
E1va Balogh writes:
> the difference between the two figures is still too high for a European
> country and for a former "socialist" country, where there shouldn't have been
> such a great difference between the upper and lower classes.
Some of these differences involve more lifestyle than money: Ro1zsadomb
switched from lard to sunflower oil in the sixties, Ko3ba1nya presumably
didn't. Health-conscious cooking, regular excercising are not my ideas of
Ko3ba1nya, and of course the smog was not nearly as bad. Of course the poor
don't have the time to play tennis or go swimming (neither of these were
particularly expensive pastimes at the time) and those who lived in
Ko3ba1nya by definition didn't live in the green belt.
> Moreover, I think and Joe Pannon was right pointing out the medical care
> ordinary mortals receive and the medical care the intellectual (and now
> business) elite receives. As we all know in Hungary one needed connections.
Absolutely true. For whatever it's worth, people on the Ro1zsadomb had
better medical care than people in Ko3ba1nya. It looks to me we are saying
the same thing here: better environment, healthier lifestyle, better medical
care, more money -- these are major factors in what I summarized as "living
As for your position on Hungary not negotiating with Russia, it seems
obvious to me that to negotiate is better than not to negotiate. This
applies to any situation: one would need some very strong overriding reason
to eschew direct negotiations in favor of a mediated dialog. For example, if
there are active hostilities between the parties and passions run so high
that they can't even sit down to the same table, a mediator can get results
where the parties involved just can't. Such is not the case between Russia
and Hungary.
The rest of your argument is answered by Joe Pannon, who is "not so sure
that US will take Hungary's interest as more important than Russia's except
in circumstances when American interests closely parallel that of Hungary."
In short, Hungary must look after Hungarian interests -- to assume that the
US (or anybody else) will guard our interests with greater vigor than we
ourselves would is folly, especially in light of the fact that the foreign
policy adviser that has the most say in the matter is currently Strobe
Talbot, who makes no secret of his view that Russia is what matters.
As for roaring mice, E1va suggests that Hungary "shouldn't negotiate with
Russia exactly because >Russia is a major power and Hungary isn't.<" But
by that logic Hungary shouldn't negotiate with any major power ever, so
how could we negotiate with NATO? It seems to me that Hungary can hardly
pretend Russia doesn't exist. If we admit they exist and we take their
concerns seriously (including their often-voiced concern with unilateral
NATO decisions which they see as both threatening and humiliating) we have
already made a step toward creating an atmosphere in which they don't see
Hungary's joing of NATO as threatening or humiliating.
> The area should be firmly attached to the West, especially while Russia
> is still relatively weak.
On that one we fully agree. The only people who seem to think otherwise in
Hungary are Munka1spa1rt on the one hand (who would much rather reenter the
Soviet orbit) and MIE1P on the other, who kept alive the old MDF slogans
about "egyedu2l vagyunk" and "harmadik u1t" and "sem Moszka sem Washington".
Since the local elections are coming up, let me predict that MIE1P will
suffer another total defeat, even if the MSZP/SZDSZ coalition loses some
positions (which is not at all clear). In particular, let me go out on a
limb and predict that the ex-TEJFA of Hungarian Radio, Mr. Csu1cs, will be
massively defeated in my favorite District II (which includes Ro1zsadomb).
It is a joy to see this man finally abandoning any pretense of impartiality
and run in MIE1P colors. Ironically enough, the elections will again
demonstrate that there was truth to the old MIE1P saw that there was no
ultra-right danger in Hungary comparable to the ultra-left danger: it is
true that Munka1spa1rt with its 3-4% is about twice as significant as MIE1P
with its 1-2%.
Andra1s Kornai
PS. (To Joe Pannon): I meant what I said, namely that Hungary (and the whole
region) is significant to NATO only as a buffer zone, as repeatedly proven
approximately every twelve years since WWII (add Bosnia 93/94 to the list
of Poland 1981, Czechoslovakia 1968, and Hungary 1956).
+ - | Re: Help for student of Hungarian (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In the last mail Zoe Toft said:
> Dear all,
> I am a second year, british university student majoring in Hungarian, and
> as part of my degree course I shall spend the next academic year (sept
> 1995 - june 1996) studying in Hungary, most probably in Budapest. I would
> greatly appreciate any information on living costs ( monthly rent of a
> one or two bedroom flat, water, heating and telephone(if I'm lucky) bills,
> weekly cost of food, and so on), setting up a forint bank account into
> which I can transfer money from my British account, and anyone's recent
> personal experience of ELTE (particularly support systems for foreign
> students , good professors in the departments of History and Hungarian).
> Thanks in anticipation,
> Zoe Toft
You should contact a graduate student of mine currently in Bp and due
to go out there again about the same time as you. His address details are:
Mark Pittaway
c/o Hegedus Gyorgyi
Batthanyi utca 3/B, IV/20
Tel: 00 36 1 201 8979
(mark attn Mark Pittaway)
If you use the e-mail address, markt it clearly for his attention, since
the address is some one else's.
Enjoy your stay!
Nigel Swain:
Tel: +44 (0)151 794 2422; Fax: +44 (0)151 794 2423
Centre for Central and Eastern European Studies, University of Liverpool
11 Abercromby Square, P.O. Box 147, Liverpool, L69 3BX, UK
+ - | Re: Looking for Hungarian Gou... (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
quality of life! my dad has consumed sev tons of szalona and even more zsir in
his 88 years... you're right of course.. daily i fight for him to eat "soup'
which he believes to be fo:zele'k since only "broth' is soup... what the hell,
eat what you luv! don't get stuck in believing in universal-metabolism...
ps. he still insists that Hunagarian water (from Be'ke'scsaba) is best!
who knows them chemical laws? go ahead try another "katona"!
Alexander Berendi ) wrote:
: I hate to tell you that while I still remember (with some nostalgy) of these
: recepies, I don't eat most of them anymore. I am into this low cholesterol
: thing that promises for you to leave long enough to get Alzheimer's disease
: or whatever will render a person unable to use the toilet paper. I have not
: had a real egg or a spoonfool of heavy cream or a slice of szalonna (bacon)
: for at least 5 years.
: As I remember the rakott krumpli kolbasszal a legjobb.
: Good luck
: Alex
+ - | Re: Recipes for gyulya's (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
alt.american.bars.food please! Great! Thanx Eva! Don't ship out!
: Here are two recipes for gulya's. The first one is George Lang's (well-known
: restauranteur and now co-owner of Gundel a very famous restaurant in
: Budapest). The source is George Lang, *The Cuisine of Hungary* (New York:
: Bonanza Books, 1971). The second one is a favorite of mine. It is done in a
: pressure cooker and therefore it takes only a few minutes, instead of hours.
: Here is the Lang recipe:
: Kettle gulya's (Bogra'csgulya's) 8 servings
: 2 medium-sized onions
: 2 tablespoons lard
: 2 1/2 pounds beef chuck or round, cut to 3/4-inch cubes
: 1 garlic clove
: pinch of caraway seeds
: salt
: 2 tablespoons "Noble Rose" paprika
: 1 medium-sized ripe tomato (it can be canned too)
: 2 green frying or Italian peppers
: 1 pound potatoes
: (1) Peel onions and chop into coarse pieces. Melt lard in a heavy 6- to
: 8-quart Dutch oven. Saute' onions in lard. Heat should be low in order not to
: brown the onions.
: (2) When onions become glossy, add beef. Stir so that during this part of the
: process, which should last for about 10 minutes, the meat will be saute'ed
: with the onions.
: (3) Meanwhile, chop and crush the garlic with the caraway seeds and a little
: salt; use the flat side of a heavy knife.
: (4) Take kettle from heat. Stir in paprika and the garlic mixture. Stir
: rapidly with a wooden spoon. Immediately after paprika is absorbed, add 2 1/2
: quarts *warm* water. (Cold water toughens meat if you add it while the meat
: is frying.)
: (5) Replace covered kettle over low heat and cook for about 1 hour.
: (6) While the braising is going on, peel the tomato, then cut into 1-inch
: pieces. Core green peppers and slice into rings. Peel potatoes and cut into
: 3/4-inch dice.
: (7) After meat has been braised for about 1 hour (the time depends on the cut
: of the meat), add the cut-up tomato and green peppers and enough water to
: give a coup consistency. Add a little salt. Simmer slowly for another 30
: minutes.
: (8) Add potatoes, and cook the *gulya's* till done. Adjust salt. Add hot
: cherry pepper pods if you want to make the stew spicy hot.
: (9) Serve the *gulya's* steaming hot in large extra-deep bowls. The meat
: should be tender, but not falling apart.
: (I am afraid, you must use lard. If you don't the gulya's is practically
: inedible. Believe me, I tried.)
: The second recipe I picked up somewhere and refined it a bit on my own:
: Here it is:
: 2 wooden spoonfuls lard
: 1 onion, finely chopped
: 1 tsps. paprika
: 2 lbs. top round, cut into 1-inch cubes
: 1 green pepper, chopped
: 1 tomato, quartered
: 2 large potatoes, cubed
: 1 cup white wine
: pinch of cayenne or hot pepper flakes
: salt and pepper to taste
: In a pressure cooker saute'e the onions until golden. Stir in the paprika.
: Add the meat; brown quickly. Add the pepper, tomato, potatoes. Gradually add
: the wine. Add the seasonings and water to cover. Cook for 15 minutes. Cool by
: the quick method.
: I am sure you will be happy with either recipes. By the way, caraway seeds is
: optional--some people claim that it is a Viennese addition to the original
: recipe. As you can see, I left them out from my standby pressure cooker
: variety. On the other hand, I added wine, in my opinion, a good addition.
: Jo' e'tva'gyat! Eva Balogh
+ - | Keresek Verseket (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
A hugomnak karacsonyi verset kel mondani, de sajnos nem talalunk egy szep
verset. Nem tudna valaki segitteni? Tizenhat eves a hugom, szoval nem
gyerekes verset keresunk. Elore koszonom a segitseget. Ha lehet akkor a
vers cimet meg irojat is irjak vele.
Pirbus Julia
Az e-mail cimem:
+ - | Washington, D.C. - Recital (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
A recital by
Vilmos Szabadi (violin)
accompanied by Gabriella Gyoker (piano)
W. A. Mozart - Sonata in A-major, K. 305
J. Brahms - Sonata in D-minor, Op. 108
E. Ysaye - Sonata for solo violin Op. 27 No. 3
B. Bartok - First Rapsody (1928)
M. Ravel - Tzigane
Friday, 9th of December , 7pm
Embassy of the Republic of Hungary
2950 Spring of Freedom Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.
Acceptances only!
+ - | It is the national debt, stupid! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Lazar wrote: "I agree, Hungary's #1 problem is the debt issue".
Very interesting. Then how come we have witnessed a fake "debate"
for about a week (by Lazar and others) on the stupid "pseudo-
reasons for sluggish Hungarian economic growth" -- without anybody
mentioning its obvious cause (the debt) until I brought it up??
Second, I would like to take exception to Lazar's ludicrious allegation
that under the communist regime "the external debt was under
control; Hungary was able to make payment without crippling the
"Everything is under control" are the famous last words of the man
who jumps out a window from the tenth floor -- until the moment of
truth when he is smashed to the ground at a tremendous speed
accelerated as he passed floor after floor. Everybody recognized that
the Hungarian economy was in total bankruptcy by the end of the
communists' regime (by 89). There was no hard currency reserve left
and no one would extend one more penny of "rollover" credit to
Hungary to finance her debt in the irresponsible ways of communist
Prime Ministers (by the name of "George" Lazar) and communist
Finance Ministers (the same Bekesi was there at that time, and is
there today). . This is why that regime had to collapse - and this is
the reason why the present regime has to collapse, too.
Of course George Lazar knows all this as well (just as he knows that
the #1 problem is the debt) - then why spreading atrocious lies
about the debt being "under control" by communist Prime Ministers
of Gyorgy Lazar?
Finally, let's take a look at the "remedies" he suggests, which again
spread to every direction except the inevitable (debt renegotiation).
His #1 solution is "Balance the budget" -- it would be equally
ridiculous to advise someone buried under a mountain "Stand up and
walk!". George Lazar, whom are you fooling?
The only thing more ridiculous is his #3 "solution": "Keep our fingers
crossed that the economy can 'outgrow' the crippling effect of the
debt". Aside from the crazy (and totally ineffective) remedy of
"keeping our fingers crossed" the second half of the sentence forgets
that the whole argument started from the "sluggishness" of economic
growth in Hungary. George Lazar, if the #1 problem (the debt) is the
reason for "sluggishness" then how can anyone with a sane mind
hope for healthy "outgrowth" of the debt??
Lazar's #2 "solution" (setting up a hyperinflation in Hungary by
massive devaluation of the currency) is not ridiculous at all -- this
would be the utter catastrophe to Hungarian economy (similar to the
effect of hyperinflation that befell e.g. to Russia, achieving no
"growth" in any other sector whatsoever, than in the lucrative
"organized crime").
We should be happy for poor Hungary that "experts" like "George"
Lazar are far enough removed and can only "advise" but can cause no
such actual harm as Gyorgy Lazar and other communist Hungarian
Ministers did when they were in power.
+ - | Illegal Immigrants (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Please read the title "Illegal", any questions from all of these law
abiding (I hope!) citizens?
I am flummoxed by the taking lightly of a simple word as "illegal", maybe
Imi Bokor can look it up in his handy dictionary for those who have problem
with it. :-)
Regards, Jeliko.
+ - | budapesti lakas/apartment in budapest (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I am going to Budapest in January to study for a semester at the
University of Economics, but my living arrangement has fallen through. I
need something centrally located - as in, near the river, and could pay
up to $350/month. I am single, female, non-smoking, and unobnoxious.
The only special circumstance is that my dog will come with me. She is a
medium sized Chow/Shepard mix, sweet, totally trained and well behaved.
If anyone has ideas, please reply to this address. Thank you kindly!
Budapestre koltozok Januarban egy szemeszterre, de a volt lakasom mar
nincs. A Kozgazdasagi Egyetemre fogok jarni. Akkor, keresek egy lakast -
egy szobas, kb. 30-40,000 Ft egy honapra, es nincs messze a Dunatol.
Egyetemista lany vagyok, nem dohanyzom. Csak az a baj, hogy hozzam a
kutyamat is. A kutyam kozep meres, felig Csow Csow/felig Nemeth Juhasz.
A kutyam nagyon kedves as jol magatartasa van. Ha tudsz segiteni nekem,
kerem szepen valaszolj erre a cimre. Koszonom elore a segitseget! :)
+ - | Re: B-H once again (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Charles writes in relation to B-H:
> The West Europeans of today sound a lot like a bunch of Sam Hoares and
>Neville Chamberlains to me too.
I disagree. Hitler could have looked threatening to that crew, but if
France and the UK are afraid of Serbia today....maybe they should
stick to Argentina and Ruwanda for demonstarting their "guts". A one ton
conventional HX on Pale/hour would end the bragaddio in a day. One
does not negotiate with thugs.
Peace, Jeliko.
+ - | Re: RFE/RL ? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
>Does anybody have a copy of the RFE/RL report of either Friday Dec. 2,1994
>or Monday Dec 5, 1994 on file? In it is a report that Austrian
>Counterintelligence has unveiled a plan of the Romanian intelligence service
>to assassinate some key Hungarian (Transylvanian) political activists.
>N. H.
>From the RFE/RL DAILY REPORT--a digest of the latest developments in
Russia, Transcaucasia and Central Asia, and Central and
Eastern Europe--is published Monday through Friday (except
German holidays) by the RFE/RL Research Institute, a division of
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Inc.
Copyright 1994 RFE/RL, Inc.
RFE/RL Daily Report 05 DEC, 1994
Radio Bucharest on 2 December quoted the chief of the Austrian
Counterintelligence Service, Peter Blumauer, as saying in an
interview with AFP that the Romanian Intelligence Service was
plotting to kill Austrian lawyer Eva Maria Barki. Barki, who is of
Hungarian origin, has long been regarded in Romania as an
extremist and has actively promoted the rights of the Magyar
minority in Romania, including territorial autonomy. Blumauer said
the RIS planned to liquidate Barki by faking a road accident,
using methods employed in the past by the Securitate, the former
political police. He said Barki has been warned by the Austrian
service to change her daily schedule and take other precautions.
According to Blumauer, two other Hungarians were being targeted by
the RIS, including Reformed Bishop Laszlo Tokes. RIS spokesman
Nicolae Ulieru responded by telling Radio Bucharest the same day
that the service has never employed "elimination methods" and was
not permitted by law to act abroad. Eva Maria Barki, he added, had
been declared persona non grata in Romania for "activities that
infringe on the laws of the Romanian state." -- Michael Shafir,
RFE/RL, Inc.
+ - | Re: B-H once again (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On Mon, 5 Dec 1994 16:07:58 PST JELIKO said:
>Charles writes in relation to B-H:
>> The West Europeans of today sound a lot like a bunch of Sam Hoares and
>>Neville Chamberlains to me too.
>I disagree. Hitler could have looked threatening to that crew, but if
>France and the UK are afraid of Serbia today....maybe they should
>stick to Argentina and Ruwanda for demonstarting their "guts".
--I thought I was agreeing with you! Chamberlain and Hoare were not
noticeably afraid of Hitler. They were the chief appeasers. I agree
that one cannot negotiate with thugs. They have nothing to trade.
Appeasement is the policy of wimps.
Charles (non-Hungarian, although I have a pot full of Eva Bologh's
gulyas simmering in the kitchen. It smells divine. I expect it will
taste as good. Feminists, beware. I cooked it it. My wife has
learned to avoid the kitchen when I am cooking.)
+ - | Re: The burglar next door (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Andra1s Kornai writes:
> > The fact that Nato has no treaty obligation to act in xYugoslavia might
> > be pertinent.
> Agreed. But didn't Poland (whose own Lech Walesa just ripped Horn for this
> move) and Czechoslovakia enjoy treaty protection before WWII?
Yes. (But I missed what LW said; please fill me in, 25 words or fewer
gratefully accepted)
> ...the best way to make [good treaties] is to set them up
> in a way that's mutually beneficial.
> > The question "Who, overall, is the best guarantor, Russia or Nato?"
> > If forced to choose only one, my guess would be Nato. Both would be
> > better, best would be bilateral agreements with all neighbors on top.
> But why should Hungary be forced to choose only one?
She shouldn't, but may find the choices mutually exclusive.
> So that Walesa can
> roar even more mightily? The man should pay a visit to the Main Post
> Office in his old city...
I'm missing the context here, please indulge my ignorance...
> > But if the blessings don't flow from that particular
> > fountain, join Nato anyway.
> Yes, even over Russian objections, if that's actually feasible. But the
> smart thing is to assuage their fears and to make sure that they publicly
> agree. It is enough for them to have left peacefully (actually, more than
> "enough", it is a wonderful, near miraculous thing that I never expected to
> see in my lifetime) and scoring further "victories" such as stopping them
> from ceremonially marching out of Berlin is both unnecessary and unwise.
We agree 100%.
> ...I'm merely
> suggesting that the best treaties are based on mutual recognition of genuine
> interests, not on rubbing salt in the wounds.
Here too.
> Obviously Nato countries are more stable, and equally obviusly, they show
> much less willingness to enter an actual conflict. Please keep in mind that
> there is genocide taking place right now, in Bosnia. One tends to blot out
> all these images of crippled children, mourning wives and husbands, and the
> ever-growing cemetary in the stadium. The bumper sticker tells you to
> visualize world peace -- I urge you to visualize Sarajevo.
More's the pity, here too. I'm at a loss; since the Europeans won't act,
the US won't either. So, should we now promote an unjust peace as better
than continuing to fight? Can we encourage the Bosnians to resist without
helping them? If we refuse to help, is "ending the fighting" through an
unjust settlement just? I detest Nato's inaction; and I think calling it
"Nato's problem" is a euphemism or mask the governments of Britain, France,
Germany, Italy, the US, etc. hide behind.
> > But, this may all be moot. Nato might just fall apart over the lack
> > of action in xYugo.
> Let's hope not. But to put all eggs in this rickety basket is unwise, and
> Horn is acting more cleverly than that.
Let's hope so.
> By opening the Iron Curtain
> (actually going against treaty obligations) in 89 he has proven that he is
> far from completely beholden to the Russians, and if he still steps lightly
> it only proves he has a better measure of Hungary's (and his own) importance
> in the scheme of things than Walesa.
Could be. But I thought the Hungarian government had specific guarantees
of non-interferance from Gorbachev?
+ - | Re: Life expectancy and NATO (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Eva Balogh writes:
> >As we all know
> >the American situation is different, given a much greater difference between
> >the rich and the poor and between regions, e.g., deep south,
Add racial differences, as well. According to David Frum,
While white America's infant mortality rate is improved on
by only three countries in the world--Japan, Sweden, and
Switzerland--the black infant mortality rate, which is more
than twice as high, lags behind Bulgaria's.
+ - | Re: Life expectancy and NATO (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Subject: Life expectancy and NATO
From: EvaB459762
Date: Sun, 4 Dec 1994 17:30:52 -0500
In article > ,
a while ago, before the internet connection to this site failed,
our resident historian
imputed that hungarian medical care was deficient because a number
of cases of
cancer had not been diagnosed early enough to be treated succesfully.
since then i have asked numerous medically qualified acquaintances
and the concensus
of opinion is while some forms of cancer are amenable to early
diagnosis, many, such
as lymphatic cancer, cancer of the liver, etc. are not.
one problem is that patients are frequently unaware of problems
until it is too late,
puuting down irritations to other, less pernicious causes.
this explains why it is that a friend of the family was diagnosed
with stomach
cancer in toronto two weeks ago, the cancer being so advanced that
nothing can be
done. similar incidents have occurred in the sphere of our
acquaintances over the
last decade or so in australia, canada, the usa and hungary, so
whatever shortcomings
hungary's healthcare may have, it is a trifle unfair to hold against
it the inability
to diagnose early enough for treatment disorders which are difficult
to diagnose
differentially even under ideal circumstances.
+ - | Re: budapesti lakas/apartment in budapest (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
> Budapestre koltozok Januarban egy szemeszterre, de a volt lakasom mar
> nincs. A Kozgazdasagi Egyetemre fogok jarni. Akkor, keresek egy lakast -
> egy szobas, kb. 30-40,000 Ft egy honapra, es nincs messze a Dunatol.
> Egyetemista lany vagyok, nem dohanyzom. Csak az a baj, hogy hozzam a
> kutyamat is. A kutyam kozep meres, felig Csow Csow/felig Nemeth Juhasz.
> A kutyam nagyon kedves as jol magatartasa van. Ha tudsz segiteni nekem,
> kerem szepen valaszolj erre a cimre. Koszonom elore a segitseget! :)
Now that was pretty good Hungarian from a non-native! Where did you
learn that, Jennifer? I am surprised though about the high cost of
rentals in Budapest that your offer implies. You should get a mension
for that, I would think.
+ - | Re: RFE/RL ? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
>Does anybody have a copy of the RFE/RL report of either Friday Dec. 2,1994
>or Monday Dec 5, 1994 on file? In it is a report that Austrian
>Counterintelligence has unveiled a plan of the Romanian intelligence service
>to assassinate some key Hungarian (Transylvanian) political activists.
I am not entirely surprised. It should be interesting how this news is
going to be discussed in the Romanian news group on Usenet though.
+ - | Re: It is the national debt, stupid! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
> We should be happy for poor Hungary that "experts" like "George"
> Lazar are far enough removed and can only "advise" but can cause no
> such actual harm as Gyorgy Lazar and other communist Hungarian
> Ministers did when they were in power.
Why not make us happier? Please tell us what you prescribe for
Hungary's sluggish economic growth.
+ - | Re: Szombathely (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I found the server of the
Berzsenyi Daniell Tanarkepzo Foiskola, Szombathelyhely
The server's name is RIK.BDTF.HU
number is
Greeting :
Farkas Judit