Archive-name: hungarian/broadcast
Soc-culture-magyar-archive-name: broadcast
Last-modified: 1996/06/29
Version: 0.82
Posting-Frequency: every twenty days
Many thanks go to Andy Vadasz and Peter Soltesz, who compiled much of
the information shown here. This file is being maintained at the
archive <>. A similar
compendium is also available from the HAL archives
with more related material under <>.
The programme by the Radio Petofi is available real-time simulcast via
the Internet (the first such national broadcast according to them):
<> (note that this adress is at
'', signifying E-NET, which is distinct from '' where
some other resources are to be found). That page has all the
information needed to get the sofware handling the 'realaudio' format,
or one can go straight to the source at <>.
Realaudio format recorded broadcast segments for some HungarianRadio
programmes are available thru <>.
The homepage for Radio Budapest (the external service of Hungarian
Radio) is at <> - they have a lot of textual
information, including schedules and frequency tables for worldwide
Computer-readable Hungarian language broadcast material from the Voice
of America is found under <>; they
have other computer audio file formats for download beside realaudio as
Here is a listing of Hungarian language broadcasts (as of 28 May
1996), collected by Peter Soltesz <mailto: >.
Note that the Hungarian language broadcast of the Radio Free Europe
(which was shown in the original version I posted) has been
discontinued sometime in '95! Also, the Voice of America beam is
transmitted from outside America and can't be received there (despite
the earlier listing showing them with their nominal Washington, D.C.
location). However their Web server makes computer-readable recordings
available, as shown in the paragraph above. I dropped the VOA entries
from here - for the full schedules see
<gopher://> and for all the
frequencies <gopher://>
(these files can be accessed thru <> as well as from
<<< Text version of database file follows: >>>
ID, Type, FREQ, City, ST, PROG, DAY, Time, Address, Tel, Fax
KTYM , AM ,, INGLEWOOD , CA ,1,,,,,
WVOF , FM ,, FAIRFIELD , CT ,2,,,,,
WNDU , AM ,, SOUTH BEND , IN ,1,,,,,
WSBT , AM ,, SOUTH BEND , IN ,1,,,,,
WCSB , FM ,, CLEVELAND , OH ,1,,,,,
WKTX , AM ,, CORTLAND , OH ,12,,,,,
WKTL , FM ,, STRUTHERS , OH ,1,,,,,
WIBF , FM ,, JENKINTOWN , PA ,1,,,,,
WMZK , AM , 680 , DETROIT , MI ,1, FRI , 2100-2200 ,,,
WNYE , TV , 25 , NEW YORK , NY ,0.5, SAT , 1500-1530 ,,,
TCI , CABLE ,, WESTCHESTER County , NY ,,,,,,
, AM , 1380 , NEW YORK , NY ,1, SUN , 1200-1300 ,,,
WQRP , FM ,, DAYTON , OH ,3, SUN , 0900-1200 ,,,
WNVC , TV , 56 , FALLS CHURCH , VA ,0.5, SAT , 0800-0830 ,, 1-703-698-9682 ,
CKJS , AM , 810 , WINNIPEG, MANITOBA , CN ,0.5, SAT , 2000-2030 ,, 1-204-477-1
221 ,
, FM , 105.9 , NEW YORK , NY ,2, SUN , 1200-1400 ,,,
, SW , 25 m ,, PA ,0.25, TH , 1645-1700 ,,,
TELSTAR , SAT , 22 ,, NA ,,,,,,
GALAXY-4 , SAT , 23 ,, NA ,0.5, M-F , 1930-200 ,,,
GALAXY-4 , SAT , 23 ,, NA ,0.5, SAT , 1730-1800 ,,,
ASC-1 , SAT , 23 ,, NA ,0,,,,,
VATICANA , SW ,,, IT ,0,,,,,
CBN , SAT ,,, NA ,0,,,,,
CBC , SW ,, TORONTO , CD ,,,,,,
BBC , SW ,, LONDON , UK ,,,,,,
, SW , 3250 , BIRMINGHAM , AL ,1, D , 0700-0755 ,,,
,, 830 , CLEVELAND , OH ,,,,,,
DEUTSCHE W , SW ,,, GE ,0,,,,,
WCPN , FM , 90.3 , CLEVELAND , OH ,1,,,,,
<<< end of database listing >>>
Andy Vadasz <mailto: > posted the following:
+In a May 14 message, I reported (in part):
+> their current 9870 kHz will change to 9840 kHz starting May.21. Not clear
+>whether the change is for the entire 3 hour transmission (including
+>Hungarian and English language programs).
+More recently the new arrangement has been posted on the "Radio Budapest"
+webpage: To summarize. the North America beam
+is broadcast on 9840 and 11870 kHz with the following breakdown
+Starting time (UTC) Language Beam orientation
+00:00 Hungarian N.America East
+01:00 English N.America East
+01:30 Hungarian N.America West
+02:30 English N.America West
+In my area (Northern Virginia) the first two segments have been fair to good
+on 9840 kHz.
- --
Zoli , keeper of <>
*SELLERS BEWARE: I will never buy anything from companies associated
*with inappropriate online advertising (unsolicited commercial email,
*excessive multiposting etc), and discourage others from doing so too!
Version: 2.6.2
(aheringer) wrote:
> Akkor jottek a nemetek es nyilasok es hajtottak oket harcolni
>>tovabbra is. A magyar jellem nem szereti se a fasisztakat se a
In an earlier message, quite recklessly, I wrote: "How
shocking, everybody is right!" Maybe, it's true. Eccept that
I was wrong! We, hungarians, maybe one of the most genial
people on earth, have an urgent tendency to negate it, and
jump into our own mouth foot first.
Let me, as an introduction to tell you, that my father
belonged to the radical wing of the Smallholders Party,
represented by Eckhardt T. and B. Zsilinszky E., whom we
knew well. While, admittedly, neither of them were
philo-semites during their earlier years, both opposed
Hungary's gravitation into German orbit, the country's
involvement in the War, the anti-jewish legislations, etc.
My father have put up and hide a large Jewish family in the
late spring of 1944 in a small hunting-shack in the forests
near Ungvar. This shack, since late March, already sheltered
two Polish Armi-officers, who crossed the borders in 1939
and lived in town known and unmolested by anyone for four
years and some. And my father wasn't the only one. Many-many
people gave shelter, hiding place, or just kept their mouth
shut if if they knew about people in hiding. With all we
FACTUALLY know, certainly the French, or, possibly even the
Dutch record is not better. Considering, that Hungary was
occupied only in March 1944, when armed resistance against
the Nazis begun, -- the French could and did built their
Resistance Movement since 1939, after they became occupied.
Given this, there were very few "maquisard" in France.
"Hisz bunosok vagyunk mi, akar a tobbi nep,.." wrote Radnoti
Miklos in 1944, the greatest Hungarian poet (a Jew by birth)
of that time, who suffered martirdom later the same year by
the hands of nazi soldiers, driven (in a forced-labor
brigade) towards Austria in forced-march. Let me continue
with the next line: "s tudjuk miben vetkeztunk, mikor, hol
es mikep, / de elnek dolgozok itt, koltok is buntelen, / es
csecsszopok..." (I translate it to you:
"Yes, we are sinners, as other nations are,
and we know how we sinned, where, when and why,
but working people lives here, and poets, without sins,
and suckling babys... )
I think, I understand your pain, you probably lost
family-members, friends. One of my grandfathers in a small
town, not far from Budapest, was taken away on march 21.
1944, months before the Jews were herded in ghettos. He
never came back, and we don't know how and where he died.
My best friend and neighbour in Ungvar, a little Jewish
girl, also was killed, and many others I knew. My father
narrowly avoided capture after Oct. 15, 1944 by the Gestapo.
He was beaten by Rakosi's AVO after the war. After my escape
in January 1956 he also was taken and beaten. I was slapped
around in Jaszai Mari ter in early 1953 for being a
clerical-reactionary before I was let go. Yet I don't blame
all the hungarians and those who lean A BIT either to the
right or to the left.
On the other hand I blame the scroundlers and crooks in the
Government of Canada, whose Prime Minister felt that one Jew
is too many to let in the country during and after the war;
where a nazi youth who demonstrated with swastica on his arm
(that's how all good naci started) and later was appointed a
Leutenant Governor of a Province; in the Swiss Government,
which turned Jews back to their death, when they sought
refuge at the Swiss border; the political and military
leadership of the Soviets, whos Red Army stopped just a few
miles away and waited for days until the Warsaw-revolt was
massacred by the SS; the United Nations and the Western
Governments, who cowardly abandoned us when Hruschew and the
Politburo considered to let Hungary go in 1956.
J'accuse! I indict!
Please, read further in the following posting.