1. |
Re: Simandy (mind) |
40 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: NATO candidates (mind) |
14 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
The Hungary Page Updated 3/6: "Famous Page" Now include (mind) |
21 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
16 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Takerer Family Name (mind) |
3 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Please visit my homepage ! (mind) |
12 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
ISFA News : Niko Wins the ISFA Logo Contest / Additiona (mind) |
58 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Re: NATO, the USA and Ukraine * Other considerations (mind) |
166 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
Re: 5x10 (mind) |
30 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
Re: NATO - Scrisoare de suport (mind) |
45 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
Re: Igy irnak o"k (mind) |
16 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: Simandy (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, says...
>George Kovacs wrote:
>> In article > (aheringer)
>> >Ma reggel hallottam a magyar radioban hogy meghalt Simandy Jozsef.
>> >eves volt. A 80 eves szuletesnapjara a magyar operahaz nagy unnepseg
>> >kereteben nekiajandekozta a Bank Ban kosztumot, amiben annyiszor
>> >el a Hazam, hazam, te mindenem cimu ariat.
>> >Tavaly itt volt Torontoban. Itt is elenekelte, de sajnos, jobb lett
>> >volna, ha megtartom emlekeimben ugy, ahogy hoskoraban enekelte.
>> >Beke poraira!
>> >Agnes
>> Azt hiszem, korunk legnagyobb magyar tenorja't sirathatjuk. Ho"stenor
>> szerepekben utole'rhetetlen, lirai dallamokban az egyik legkiva'lo'bb.
>> Nyugodje'k be'ke'ben.
>> GK
>Nem csak, hogy egy óriási énekes volt, de a világ legjobb ivópartnere
>is. 1952-ben vagy 53-ban (?) volt szerencsém egy balatongyöröki villában
>(már nem emlékszem ki volt a tulaj, csak arra, hogy valami Kossuth díjas
>fazon volt), én mint csóró focista Puskás Öcsin keresztül pottyantam
>ebbe a társaságba, egy nagy party-n mindenkit az asztal alá ivott.
>Rendkívül szimpatikus, közvetelen, sztár allür mentes, barátságos,
>szellemes, kulturált egyén volt. Jóska, we will miss you!
>Mellesleg jegyzem meg, hogy Öcsi április 2-án lesz 70 éves. A világ
>minden számottevö focistája ott lesz a Népstadionban a magyar-ausztrál
>(ott volt évekig sikeres edzö) meccs alatt és után ünnepelni. Happy
>birthday, Öcsi!
Puskas Ocsirol jut eszembe, hogy elozo heten a Szepesivel volt egy
interview lekozvetitve a magyar radioban, szinten nagyon erdekes volt.
+ - | Re: NATO candidates (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I think it is also interesting to note that the three central european
states on the "fast-track" for NATO membership are also those which
historically had consistent ties and relations to the West: Poland
w/Prussia and France, and the Czech lands and Hungary being part of the
Austro-Hungarian Empire...
Daniel A. Cuthbert,
>, http://jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu/~danielac
Esperanto? ----> http://jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu/~danielac/esperanto
"Civil disobedience is the assertion of a right which law should give
but which it denies." --Gandhi
+ - | The Hungary Page Updated 3/6: "Famous Page" Now include (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
The Hungary Page has again been updated. Thank you for your
contributions to the "Hungarian Nobel Prize Winners and Famous
American-Hungarians" page - there were quite a few surprises for me. The
page now includes US Congressional Medal of Honor winners as well as
expanded biographical info on listees. Enjoy! And remember to submit
your suggestions (URL Below)...
Other Points of Interest:
Trivia Question of the Month
Hungarian Olympic Triumph
News and Articles on Hungary, Trianon, the minority issue
Transylvanian Resources
Links to Hungarian Political Parties and more
Special Announcements of Activities to get involved in
Visit The Hungary Page! http://mason.gmu.edu/~achassel/
+ - | FROM MONGOLIA (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Subject: Affordable Mongolian High Quality Cashmere Products
From: "Amso" >
Date: 2 Mar 1997 02:28:40 GMT
Message-ID: >
Welcome to our online AmSo store. We are pleased to offer you superb
quality and uniquely designed cashmere and camel wool products at
affordable prices. Our products are made in Mongolia exclusively to
your special need. Now you can have your very own unique, fashionable,
elegant, knitted cashmere sweaters. We also offer high quality, durable,
100% camel wool blankets that will add more
comfort and warmth to your home. Please visit our product page to order.
+ - | Takerer Family Name (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Ever hear the last name Takerer? Family in hopes of tracing their roots.
If any information about last name Takerer, please send E-mail to
+ - | Please visit my homepage ! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Please visit Kinga's Cool Hungarian Homepage. We have 100's of links
related to Hungary, with new ones being added all of the time.
We are designing this site with the goal that it will become a central
repository of Hungarian-related links.
Please send me your suggestions or new links so I can make the site
even better.
+ - | ISFA News : Niko Wins the ISFA Logo Contest / Additiona (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Hi : We have a winner in the ISFA Logo Competition and it is Niko, that most
notorious Athletic de Bilbao fan :-)
You can see his winning logo in our Main Page already (http://www.isfa.com) and
his second logo in the NEW Alternate Non-Java Main Page
(http://www.isfa.com/alt.html) for those with Java challenged browsers.
You can also download Niko's Mini Logo versions, which look really sharp, to
place in your soccer pages at :
Additional changes at the ISFA pages are the placement of links which
automatically open your Newsreader to the chosen Newsgroup. So now you can
either configure your Newsreader to the ISFA News Server (news.isfa.com) or you
can just press on one of the links and open your Newsreader without having to
configure it. I hope this makes things easier for you. Just go to :
and to :
as the News and Results links will also work in the same way. And remember you
can become a News Person at ISFA by simply posting the latest news in any of
three languages : English, Spanish and Portuguese in the News and Results
There are also two new ISFA News Newsgroups, isfa.announces (English), and
isfa.anuncia (Spanish), plus the following news Lists, Newsgroups and News Page
Mailing List - Rkc Waalwijk (Holland)
Mailing List - Spanish Football Info Service - Results (Spain)
News & Results - Resultados Torneos Argentinos
Newsgroup - isfa.announces
Newsgroup - isfa.anuncia
Newsgroup - isfa.futbol.futmex
Newsgroup - isfa.futebol.palmeiras
You can fins all these NEW Pages at :
Anyway, this is all for today, and congratulations Niko !!!
ISFA Administrator
Winning is a state of mind
+ - | Re: NATO, the USA and Ukraine * Other considerations (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Strategic leverage could be gained if talks could start immediately
between Poland, Hungary, Ukrain, and Czeck (et al) towards the
formation of a federal coalition between their sovereign countries.
The idea is to form a benvolent union which is much as had been
formed to create the Republic of Poland in A.D. 1618; consisting of Poland,
Byeloruss, Lithuania, Prussia, and Livonians.
It was an outstanding success resulting in a federation based on autonomy
and freedom of all ethnic and religious groups.It was the world's first
republic and it was based on toleration and freedom of speech.
Each country would retain its own sovereignty and culture but all
would unite into federalism of military unity to meet the security
and trade demands of the new millineum.
The object would be to retain a weak central
government serving the member states.
To assure that the federal government thus formed would not eventually
'take over' the example of the First Polish Republic could
be taken so that each country in the union would have veto power.
A unanimous decision seems unworkable but assures that the
central government will always be subject to the wishes of the
member states. The federal government would be set up to serve
the member states and a constitutional agreement would be enforced
to make it the duty of the federal government to keep it that way.
A unanimous vote also assures protection against frivolous laws.
The countries would meet in their own congress to vote on any matter
requiring attention. Delegates would be elected to office in a senate/
representative arrangement with an elected president presiding and
a supreme court to preserve the intitial intent of the bonding consitution.
Plans like this would be met with opposition whereupon leverage could
be used to dismiss these plans if these countries are all accepted into
the NATO/EU alliance.
Thus, these countries would merge into an alliance of friendship regardless
of method and would become masters of their own destiny.
Entry into NATO would be accepted with the understanding
that no option is ever surrendered to form a coalition of free nations
within the proposed unity.
================== John Walker =====================
Dan K. > wrote in article
> The US and Ukraine are coninuing to develop their strategic
> partnership as the US has come to realize something which
> has been obvious to Ukrainian Americans for a very long time,
> namely that Ukraine is vital to US security interests and is
> important to providing stability and peace to Eastern and
> Central Europe. "Russia Today" posted the following from
> "Reuters" on 3/10/97 concerning
> Ambassador Udovenko's recent visit to the US:
> WASHINGTON -- U.S. Secretary of State
> Madeleine Albright said on Friday she
> expected that an agreement defining a
> new relationship between Ukraine and
> NATO would be completed in time for
> the July alliance summit in Madrid.
> She made her comments at the start of
> talks with Ukrainian Foreign Minister
> Gennady Udovenko that included
> discussion of what she called
> "efforts to cement Ukraine's place in
> the Central European mainstream."
> "We're making important progress in
> building up the NATO-Ukraine
> relationship and I believe that an
> agreement will be complete in time
> for the Madrid summit this July,"
> Albright said.
> The United States and NATO are also
> working to craft a special agreement
> with Russia but this is proving much
> more difficult with senior Russian
> officials, including President Boris
> Yeltsin, continuing to speak out
> adamantly and often against alliance
> plans to expand into former communist
> states.
> In Madrid, NATO plans to make the
> historic decision on which states
> will be invited to be the first
> post-Cold War new members of the
> alliance. Officials would like to
> have both agreements with Russia and
> Ukraine also ready for signing at
> that time.
> Poland, Hungary and the Czech
> republic are the top contenders but
> Romania and Slovenia are also under
> discussion.
> The special agreements with Russia
> and Ukraine are intended to recognize
> their important roles in a new Europe
> and compensate for their not being
> members of NATO, at least not for the
> foreseeable future.
> The United States has made clear than
> even if the Russian accord is not
> completed by Madrid, NATO will go
> forward with its enlargement plans.
> The Udovenko-Albright meeting comes
> on the heels of Albright's first trip
> to Moscow as secretary of state two
> weeks ago, part of an increasingly
> feverish round of NATO-related
> diplomacy in Washington and across
> Europe.
> Albright met Hungarian Foreign
> Minister Laszlo Kovacs on Thursday
> and plans to meet Poland's foreign
> minister next week.
> State Department spokesman Nicholas
> Burns said Albright did not make any
> commitment on Hungary's NATO
> membership bid. Such questions are to
> be decided by NATO, not the United
> States alone, and "there is no
> consensus in NATO yet," he said.
> At a press conference with Udovenko,
> Albright said the United States and
> Ukraine "are strategic partners in
> building our shared vision of a
> Europe at peace, fully integrated and
> fully free."
> "An independent, prosperous and
> democratic Ukraine is a critical part
> of that vision" and the United States
> is committed to helping Ukraine
> achieve those goals, she added.
> Udovenko said that "further
> development of the strategic
> partnership relations between our
> countries is one of the most
> important priorities of Ukraine's
> foreign policy."
> In addition to the NATO-Ukraine
> agreement, he said the two ministers
> would talk about disarmament, the
> political situation in Europe and
> plans for future meetings between
> President Bill Clinton and Ukrainian
> President Leonid Kuchma. (Reuters)
+ - | Re: 5x10 (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
> writes:
>>aheringer wrote:
>>> Talan a Zoli Fekete tud valamit csinalni. Ugy tudom, van olyan, hogy
>>> valakit ki lehet uzni egy listarol a serverjen keresztul. Istvan,
>>> sohasem gondoltam volna, hogy valamiben is valaha egyetertunk!
>>> Agnes
>>Agnes jo az otleted! Ez az illeto csak provokal a racist tipusu
>>cikkeivel. En a cenzura ellen vagyok altalaban, de szerintem
>>nekunk ez nem hianyzik. How about it Zoli ?
>> Mark
>Van egy kis problema. A kiuzes e-mail cimmel kapcsolatos, nem
szemellyel. Az
>AOL kebeleben akarki kb. 5 perc alatt uj cimet tud fabrikalni maganak.
>kedvelik a nevtelensegbe burkolodzo provokatorok.
Hat, lehet, hogy igy lett Maria Egorov-bol ez a masik ismeretlen? Mert a
stilus veszedelmesen hasonlit a nehany honappal ezelottiekre.
+ - | Re: NATO - Scrisoare de suport (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, (hargitai) wrote:
> (Alexander N. Bossy) writes:
> >On Wed, 05 Mar 1997 17:15:54 -0500, (T.M.Lutas)
> >wrote:
> >>With both Hungary and Romania in NATO, how would Russia be able to
> >>rekindle mischief in the former territory of Yugoslavia?
> They could if they wanted to.
I hope you agree that it would be much more difficult, possibly beyond
their reach if not beyond their desire.
> >>How could Balkan stability be assured with Romania out of NATO and Hungary
> >>in. It's a clear recipe for stirring up both ambition and paranoia. Is
> >>a more dangerous mix in the Balkans?
> I wouldn't look at it so pointedly. First of all, Hungary and the
> larger part of Romania are not the Balkans. Second, I don't think
> we are a dangerous mix. Let alone the most dangerous mix. After all, Hungaria
> ambition and Romanian paranoia coexisted for centuries. -):
The ambition would be from both sides on the part of politicians who see
ethnic hatred as a road to power. The inequality of alliances would make
paranoia an all too plausible reaction. The negative consequences are clear.
> Seems to me, there is not much to gain by the membership. On either
> side.
Here I completely disagree. NATO membership implies that it is safe to invest.
I don't see major international money being put in any small country
outside the NATO security umbrella. That, by itself, is a major
The Romanian Political Pages http://haven.ios.com/~dbrutus
Now available: The Romanian constitution in Romanian, an URL minder
Coming soon: A post-election edition
These posts are not official PNT-cd policy unless specifically marked as such.
+ - | Re: Igy irnak o"k (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
>> Sirjunk vagy nevessunk ezen, amit odat ir rolunk regi kedves ismerosunk?
>Szereny velemenyem szerint sajnaljuk. Valami tortent gyerekkoraban.
>Talan valaki elvette a zabos zsakot mielott vegzett az
>evessel. A mai napokban meg hogy a kukorica ara nagyon
>magas es a 'tortenesz fizetesebol' nem tud sokat venni.
>Szegeny ember. Ennek egy jo mennyecske kell es egy jo
>Gulyas leves.
Egyes elmeletek szerint kedves tortenesz baratunk azonos Maria Egorov AOL-os
hallgatonkkal, akinek ezek szerint nem menyecske kene, hanem egy jo nagy .....