1. |
45 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: NATO candidates (mind) |
32 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
18 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Re: Hadak utja (mind) |
6 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Hadak utja (mind) |
12 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
collection (mind) |
10 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Munchen --> Budapest, Utazas (mind) |
4 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Beszamolo a HIX sorozesrol? (mind) |
9 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
Re: Wake up Yuri, and look around you! (mind) |
7 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
Re: Karakan gyerek a Kristof - karakanok a lengyelek is (mind) |
16 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
Re: Hadak utja (mind) |
27 sor |
(cikkei) |
12. |
Tamasnak (mind) |
2 sor |
(cikkei) |
13. |
Re: NATO - Scrisoare de suport (mind) |
12 sor |
(cikkei) |
14. |
14 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: WHO ARE THE GYPSY OF EUROPE ? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
> On 2 Mar 1997 09:54:08 GMT, RT765 > wrote:
> Wrong, you yellow racist pig, hiding under anonimity! The Gypsies are
> Arians, just like the Slavs and Western Europeans are.
> The Hungarians are not.
> --
> Joe Pannon
> ----------
> REMINDER: Please correct my e-mail address in any personal reply by
> removing the "antiSPAM." part from it. I have altered the address
> in the hope of defeating address grabbing SPAM software. Thanks, JP---------
Strange, how zealots shoot themselves in the foot. Unwittingly this
ignoramous (I think, Joe, this is that Mogorov -or some such named-
fellow of about 3-4 months ago, who was bombarding soc.cul.magyar with
similar diatribes in editions, has come back to "haunt") that which he
wants to put down he "exulteth". So, that much for little knowledge and
lot of obsession.
But I just wanted to use this blunder of this automaton as an excuse for
a digression. And perhaps as a lesson for racists, and apologists for
superman, and to disillusion some surviving Hungarian apoligists of the
I've known Hungarians of the interwar period that had illusions of some
special German-Hungarian ties, illusions that the Germans somehow had
some special regards for Hungarians. But Hitler himself in fact had not.
He might have thought that Budapest was beautiful (or rather it had a
wanderful geographic location) but his official opinion wasn't high at
all. He knew as well as any one that Hungarians were not Aryan folk. But
he added insult to "injury" by designing the cover illustration for the
first edition of his Mein Kapmf (a copy of it is in the Archives of the
Hoover Institution -where I am a librarian).On the cover the races are
arranged in a triangular pattern hierarchical fashion and, as natural,
Hungarians are on the broad bottom of the triangle. I don't think that
this particular edition was the breviary of the Hungarian Arrow
Crossists. There certainly wouldn't have been a prominent role for
Hungarians in the Third Empire, had it survived.
+ - | Re: NATO candidates (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
: I wonder if it's pure coincidence that the three NATO candidates
: mentioned most often as being invited in the first round of accession
: are those countries that demonstarted active resistance against their
: former Communist regimes.
Certainly, it is an overall economic progress, not past historic
achievements in the fight with communism, that motivates NATO rulers. But
it is also true that the active resistance to commies has given birth to
a defined elite of politicians who are either in charge now (Czech
Republik) or are serving as vocal opposition to post-communists (Poland).
Such an elite is sadly lacking in e.g. Romania or Bulgaria.
I would like also to underline the leading role of Germany, Chancellor's
Kohl especially, in persuading doubters to enlarge both NATO and EC.
Germany with her horrible role in the two world wars wants to come off
clean on the verge of twenty first century.
: Do you think these events are paramount in the minds of Western leaders
: in leaning toward these three countries or those events are just the
: byproduct of the Western orientation of those countries and it's that
: orientation that is appreciated by those Western leaders?
A lot depends on American politics, of course:-). The U.S. has shown, in
Bosnia-Herzegovina for instance, that only they have the power (and moral
stance!) and the backing of their citizens to clean up the mess in Europe.
Enlarging NATO, given political unrest in Russia, is an admirable
goal, certainly going to ensure peace in Europe, contrary to screams
of horror by professional lefties in the Western Europe and by hardcore
commies in the Russia proper.
+ - | Re: WHO ARE THE GYPSY OF EUROPE ? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On Fri, 07 Mar 1997 14:05:23 -0800, Laszlo Horvath
> wrote:
>Strange, how zealots shoot themselves in the foot. Unwittingly this
>ignoramous (I think, Joe, this is that Mogorov -or some such named-
>fellow of about 3-4 months ago, who was bombarding soc.cul.magyar with
>similar diatribes in editions, has come back to "haunt") that which he
>wants to put down he "exulteth". So, that much for little knowledge and
>lot of obsession.
I think that Mogorov name was probably fake. Judging from his own word
(he called the ROMANS his ancestors), he is a Romanian nationalist nut;
a Funariot, as I like to call them.
Joe Pannon
REMINDER: Please correct my e-mail address in any personal reply by
removing the "antiSPAM." part from it. I have altered the address
in the hope of defeating address grabbing SPAM software. Thanks, JP
+ - | Re: Hadak utja (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
AND Books > wrote
> bocs ha fe're e'rtetem hogy mitt irta'l
Roviden, csak azt akartam mondani, hogy nem komalom se a fasizstakat se a
A magyar betuid nem jottek at olyan jol. En se ertem, hogy mit irtal.
+ - | Hadak utja (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Laszlo Horvath > wrote
> I've known Hungarians of the interwar period that had illusions of some
> special German-Hungarian ties, illusions that the Germans somehow had
> some special regards for Hungarians. But Hitler himself in fact had not.
Ezt en is tudtam es eleve hulyenek vagy hazaarulonak neztem az olyan
magyarokat akik a fasiszta vagy kommunista mozgalomhoz kapcsolodtak. Ezek
a mozgalmak a magyar nep, es sok mas nep, erdekeit a nemet vagy orosz nep
erdekei ala rendeltek.
Sajnos Magyarorszag a hadak utjaban van es nem tudtunk a nagyahatalmak
elol kiterni. Kivancs vagyok mit hozz a kovetkezo szazad.
+ - | collection (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Iam collecting as an hobby communist items. Things like
flags, medals, badges/buttons, photo's of communist leaders.
Can you help me ? Then send me a mail !
Hans van Kleef
+ - | Munchen --> Budapest, Utazas (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Tudja e valaki hogy mennyibe kerul a vonat jegy Munchen-bol Pestre?
Esetleg valaki megy autoval nemetbol haza, Marcius vege fele?
+ - | Beszamolo a HIX sorozesrol? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Valaki aki olvassa ezeket a sorokat csak volt azon a mostani HIX
sorozesen, nem? Ha igen, akkor hallhatnank valamit a FORUM/SZABAD
koruli dolgokrol? Elvegre itt magunk kozt vagyunk. ;-)
Joe Pannon
REMINDER: Please correct my e-mail address in any personal reply by
removing the "antiSPAM." part from it. I have altered the address
in the hope of defeating address grabbing SPAM software. Thanks, JP
+ - | Re: Wake up Yuri, and look around you! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On 8 Mar 1997 05:20:45 GMT, () wrote:
>Where do you think most leftists are "hiding" in the US?
Mr. Clinton's Cabinet?
Dorin Petre
+ - | Re: Karakan gyerek a Kristof - karakanok a lengyelek is (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
> > > Lippai" > wrote
> > Gondolod, hogy azert olyan savanyu a tudod-ki-a-tudod-melyik-listan,
> > nem hivtak bulira?
Gabor Barsai > wrote
> Nem tudom, lehet, hogy azert savanyu, mert sokszor keresztbe tettek neki,
> vagy mint irtad, semmisegekert zaklattak (pl. irtad:
Honnan tudod, kirol beszelek? Talan valakirol a Kamcsatkai listan
Szigeti nok tenyleg nagyon szepek. Ket evet toltottem Guam szigeten. Azok
a lanyok majdnem olyan szepek mint a magyar lanyok. De csak majdnem.
+ - | Re: Hadak utja (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Istvan Lippai ) wrote:
: Laszlo Horvath > wrote
: > I've known Hungarians of the interwar period that had illusions of some
: > special German-Hungarian ties, illusions that the Germans somehow had
: > some special regards for Hungarians. But Hitler himself in fact had not.
: Ezt en is tudtam es eleve hulyenek vagy hazaarulonak neztem az olyan
: magyarokat akik a fasiszta vagy kommunista mozgalomhoz kapcsolodtak. Ezek
: a mozgalmak a magyar nep, es sok mas nep, erdekeit a nemet vagy orosz nep
: erdekei ala rendeltek.
: Sajnos Magyarorszag a hadak utjaban van es nem tudtunk a nagyahatalmak
: elol kiterni. Kivancs vagyok mit hozz a kovetkezo szazad.
: Istvan
bo:lcs gondolatok, plane mert akikro:l szo essik 1880. evekben szu:ltek.
amit gondoltak olyan ta'vol a mai gondolatoktol mint Lo:te Lenya vagy Piaf a
Beattlek, U2, Boyz2Men, vagy az uj Pat Boone-tol. To:rte'nelem sajnos nem oly
ko:nyu" dolog. Hogy mer ba'r-ki itte'lni ma's ido:szak gondolatok e'rte'ke'ben?
Hadak Utja, mint Turul Mozgalom, mind voltak... s megint lehetnek. de mint
magyarok legyunk ovatossak hogy NE itelyuk ezeket a mai szemunkel...
bocs ha fe're e'rtetem hogy mitt irta'l
+ - | Tamasnak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
En is itt vagyok Tamas.
De en Nemetorszagban.
+ - | Re: NATO - Scrisoare de suport (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
(Alexander N. Bossy) writes:
>Any specific reason why? After all, she's got a democratic
>government, respects minority rights, and is in the process of
>reforming her economy. All of these are *major* changes from the
>neo-communist regime, and should be rewarded.
I've been enjoying you fine comments on the net for years, however,
I don't know what to make of this. Do you really think the NATO
membership is a reward/punishment, as opposed to real-politik?
+ - | Re: LE HUNS OR LE MONGOLS? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
>My ancestors were the ROMANS,yours were the HUNS.(NON EUROPEANS).
>Or I should say that your ancestors have lived as the GIPSY DID AND
>that is in TENTS.(Remember some of your ancestors in Finland, the LAPS
And what was wrong with living in tents over 1000 years ago? 30 thousand
years ago everybody lived in caves. Incidentally, through the Pax
Romana, the Romans became the most mixed people in their time.