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121 sor |
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REC Junior Fellowship Program (mind) |
104 sor |
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Megyazatom- megyazatom Csernobilba (mind) |
16 sor |
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bemutatkozas (mind) |
40 sor |
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Feladó: (cikkei)
From: ecol-econ
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: CONFERENCE: Engineers, Knowledge & SD
Date: Friday, January 13, 1995 9:14AM
Forwarded message is a call for papers.
> June 8/9/10 1995 at Ryerson Polytechnic University, Toronto, Ontario,
> In a world of growing human population, equipped with powerful scientific
> and technical tools, we must be careful not to hurt Nature or ourselves.
> Layers of lead pollution originating from the smelters of the Roman Empire
> have recently been discovered in the Greenland ice. What traces are we
> going to leave behind after world wars, nuclear accidents, and the genetic
> manipulation of life?
> The snipers of Sarajevo, and events in Bosnia, Rwanda, Tienanmen Square,
> and Iraq are signs of a superficial nature of our civility. May we be
> encouraged by the generally peaceful reforms in Eastern Europe, the recent
> developments in the Middle East, and by the United Nations conference on
> population in Cairo? What does the individual have to know and do in
> order to be able to contribute to solutions of the global issues? What
> should companies know and do in order to be responsible corporate World
> citizens, and what should nations know and do to prevent violence in the
> face of global scarcity.
> We call on practitioners and academics to present their views on knowledge
> and action needed for sustainable development. We call on humanists and
> artists to voice their concerns. We ask for wide angle scientific and
> engineering views of the world. We solicit discussions on how research
> and education, and government and business can contribute.
> PURPOSE: To find, create, and promote knowledge tools needed in achieving
> a sustainable society. To establish action priorities, and call for
> action.
> PROPOSED THEMES: Global and long term issues - Knowledge tools for the
> solution of complex problems - Transideological and transdisciplinary
> knowledge - The individual's, the corporation's, and the nation's means to
> further the common good - Sustainability and the sciences: systems
> science, natural and engineering sciences, ecological and social sciences
> - Contributions of the arts and the humanities, of philosophy and religion
> to a sustainable society - The role of education, the media, communication
> and information technology - Sustainability and the economy, industry,
> international trade.
> PARTICIPANTS: Public office holders, business leaders, professionals,
> researchers, teachers, graduate students in any branch of knowledge. All
> those with an interest in an effective utilization of knowledge, and in
> global, interdisciplinary, and long term issues.
> SPONSORS: International Society for the Systems Sciences, Eastern Canada
> Division; Science for Peace, Canada. Ryerson Polytechnic University,
> Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Toronto, Ontario; Institute
> of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Toronto Section; Institute of
> Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Society on Social Implications of
> Technology.
> HONORARY CONFERENCE CHAIR: Anatol Rapoport, one of the founders of the
> International Society for the Systems Sciences.
> PROGRAM COMMITTEE: D. Bell, Faculty for Environmental Studies, York
> University, North York, Ontario; G. Boyd, Educational Technology,
> Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec; H. Burkhardt, Department of
> Physics, Ryerson Polytechnic University, Toronto, Ontario; C. Henn, IEEE
> Society on Social Implications of Technology; D. Holdsworth,
> Environmental and Resource Studies, Trent University, Ontario; E. Lin,
> Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, Ontario; Robert Logan, Department
> of Physics, University of Toronto; G.A. Swanson, Department of Accounting
> and Business Law, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN; J.
> Valleau, Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario;
> W. Zessner, IEEE, Toronto Section, Toronto, Ontario.
> LOCATION AND DATE: Oakham House, 63 Gould Street, Ryerson Polytechnic
> University, Toronto, Ontario, June 8, 9, and 10, 1995
> SUBMISSION ABSTRACTS AND PAPERS: Please submit a one page abstract by
> March 15, 1995 to H. Burkhardt at the address given below. Accepted
> abstracts will be included in the conference program and book of
> abstracts. For inclusion in the conference proceedings please bring a
> camera ready copy of your paper to the meeting.
> WORKSHOP: Teachers and conference participants are invited to participate
> in a session on: 'K-12 curriculum and the sustainable future?'
> Saturday, June 10, 1995.
> REGISTRATION: The early registration fee until April 30, 1995 is CDN$
> (For Students CDN$ 100, for members of the sponsoring institutions CDN$
> Late registrations are accepted subject to the room capacity, and an extra
> fee of CDN$ 20 beginning May 1, 1995 up to the conference. The fee
> lunches and snacks. Please make cheques payable to Ryerson Polytechnic
> University (Science Conference) and send them to H. Burkhardt at the
> address given below.
> FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Contact H. Burkhardt, Department of Physics,
> Ryerson Polytechnic University, 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario,
> Canada, M5B 2K3. E-mail: . Telephone:
> (416)979-5000, Ext. 7246. Fax:(416)979-5064
> ___________________________________________________________________
> Joe Herkert North Carolina State University
> Div. of Multidisciplinary Studies
> voice: 919-515-7997 Box 7107
> fax: 919-515-1828 Raleigh, NC 27695-7107
> ___________________________________________________________________
Alex Farrell Center for Energy and the Environment
University of Pennsylvania
+ - | REC Junior Fellowship Program (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Mail*Link(r) SMTP REC Junior Fellowship Program 1995 - The New
Kerlek tovabbitsatok ezt potencialis erdeklodoknek (kornyeszeti szakok, NGOk
stb faliujsagjai, stb).
The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) is an
non-advocacy, not-for-profit foundation. It was established in 1990 by
Hungary, the United
States, and the Commission of the European Communities. The REC's mission is to
public participation in environmental decision- making in Central and Eastern
Europe (CEE).
The REC primarily supports non-governmental grass-roots organizations, but also
cooperates with local authorities, national governments, academic institutions,
the media, and
the private sector. In order to improve the capacity and skills of young CEE
and their NGOs to deal with organization and management problems as well as
obstacles which have, in the past, prevented them from being as effective as
possible, the
REC established the Junior Fellowship Program (JFP) in 1993. The JFP has proven
to be
one of the most popular REC initiatives.
The Junior Fellows follow a four-week program of integrated and interactive
which address the particular needs of the region and its younger NGO members,
project management, community action planning, NGO management, campaign
media-work and communication skills, fundraising, public participation,
strategic planning,
NGOs and civil society, using computers, and some lectures on varied topics.
Fellows can
develop products individually tailored for the needs of each person and their
NGOs during
the series of workshops, that can and will be applied when they return to their
own country
such as project proposals and funding strategies, press releases, and
community action plans.
In addition, there exists independent research opportunities utilizing the
full-capacity of REC
resources, and the possibility to work part-time on projects with REC Teams or
local NGOs
if requested. Workshops will be organized as much as possible for only
half-days for four
weeks, while during the rest of the time the JFs can work for either a Team
project or with
a Budapest-area NGO. This will offer a wider range of projects with more
relevance and
fulfilment over a longer period of time. Before each group arrives, a list of
projects available
will be sent to them with a request to number their top three choices and we
will try to
match them.
Junior Fellows should come from a variety of backgrounds and from throughout
Central and Eastern European region. They should be between 20 and 30 years
old, share a
strong interest in improving the environmental situation in the CEE region, be
active in an
environmental NGO, have citizenship in one of the participating countries, and
speak and
write English well. Fellows spend four weeks at the REC Head Office in
Budapest. For the
1995 sessions, the REC is inviting participants from Albania, Armenia,
Azerbaijan, Belarus,
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan,
Latvia, Lithuania,
Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia and
The REC will cover all costs including accommodation, travel and daily
expenses. There are
five application periods for left for 1995. The following periods are scheduled
for 1995:
Fellowship period: Application Deadline
January 31 - March 1 December 1, 1994
March 28 - April 26 February 1, 1995
May 23 - June 21 April 1, 1995
July 18 - August 16 June 1, 1995
September 12 - October 11 August 1, 1995
November 7 - December 6 September 1, 1995
For more information on how to apply, and a brochure about the program,
Mr. Daniel Swartz, Coordinator tel. (+36) 1 250 3401
Junior Fellowship Program fax (+36) 1 250 3403
Regional Environmental Center e-mail:
Miklos ter 1
H-1035 Budapest
+ - | Megyazatom- megyazatom Csernobilba (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
ha nem is epp Csernobilba...
Organization: The Regional Environmental Center
Subject: **Chernobyl Choo Choo Resumes Route**
**Chernobyl Choo Choo Resumes Route**
For the first time in 3 years Hungary will send nuclear waste
to Russia. A train carrying about 55 tons of used fuel to be
reprocessed is set to leave the Paks Nuclear Plant sometime
soon. The actual date has not been disclosed, nor has the
trains exact route. For 2 decades the Paks plant supplied
Russia with nuclear waste used to harness energy for
electricity, but the shipments ceased due to environmental
concerns. The Czech Republic recently signed a deal to send
its waste to Russia.
+ - | bemutatkozas (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Kedves Kornyeszek!
Kicsit megkestem az elso szamban javasolt bemutatkozassal, mivel nem jott
ossze elsore az ujsag elofizetese. Jelenleg Angliaban tanulok egy MSc
kurzuson, kornyezeti eroforrasokrol es kornyezetvedelmi iranyelvekrol, de
az igazat megvallva, csak most, a masodik felev elejen talalkoztam olyan
eloadassal (fenntarthato mezogazdasag), ami osztatlan sikert aratott a
hallgatok koreben es vegre nekem is igazan tetszett. Egyebkent az
Agraron vegeztem otthon. Ha van valakinek egy peldanya az elso
bemutatkozo Kornyeszbol (ha volt ilyen egyaltalan), megkoszonnem, ha
elkuldene nekem. Kolost ismerem, de a tobbieket, akik irjak-olvassak a
lapot, sajnos nem.
A vasutvonalak megszunteteserol csak annyit, hogy ezek szerint a legjobb
uton vagyunk az angol minta fele: kozpontositott vonalak Londonba/bol,
delen viszonylag suru jaratok, eszakon es Skociaban egy-ket nagyvarosba
van kozvetlen vonal, ezeket leszamitva minel tavolabb mesz Londontol,
annal tragikusabb a kozlekedes. Millio atszallas, kesesek, folytonos
menetrend valtozasok4; ahol ritka vagy egyaltalan nincs vonat, ott busz
van, ha van. Par eve Yorkshire-ban jarva azert nem jutottam el valamely
gyonyoru apatsagi romhoz, mert csak hetente ketszer ment oda busz!
Persze, hogy mindenki ra van kenyszeritve az auto-hasznalatra. Nehany
vonatot pedig azert szuntettek meg, mert keves utasa volt. No, igen, az
utasoknak eleguk volt a fenti kenyelmetlensegekbol. (Volt jarat, ami
hianyzott a menetrendbol, igy alig tudottrola valaki!)
Nalunk (eddig) eleg jo volt a tomegkozlekedes. De persze el lehet venni
az ember kedvet az utazastol a tarifak emelesevel, mikozben a
szolgaltatas egyre romlik (MAV). Hova jutunk igy?
Kolos irasahoz a madaretetesrol: az angoloknal nagyon nepszeru a haloba
(amilyenben a kotozott sonka van otthon) kotott mogyoro kiakasztasa cinkek
szamara. Ez foldimogyoro, hejastol, de nem porkolve. Bar itt ho nincs,
csak hideg, ha meg tudom oldani a folyamatos elletast, talan kiprobalom.
Sok sikert az otthoni etetesekhez is!
Gal Aniko