1. |
Felelosseg (mind) |
25 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
meadows-rovat (mind) |
106 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Re: napenergia (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
mucsotany (mind) |
20 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Bos-Nagymaros... (mind) |
19 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Viktor (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Bocs Fordito 62. tartalma (mind) |
47 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Felelosseg (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Kedves Yoghurt!
Rendes toled, hogy kulturalt stilusban feddtel meg az altalam elkovetett
hanyagsagert (amit egy allatvedo /?/ notol kaptam, azt inkabb nem
ideznem), de egy kicsit kezd elegem lenni abbol, hogy mindenki engem von
felelossegre, amikor megprobalok segiteni azokon a szerencsetlen
joszagokon, akikhez egyebkent nem sok kozom volt (eddig), ugyanis nem en
vagyok a gazdajuk, csak ideiglenesen befogadtam oket, pont a
"kutyagyarat" elkerulendo. Mivel azonban van ket sajat joszagom is,
veglegesen nem maradhatnak.
Ha mar szoba kerultek az allatvedok, szeretnem megkerdezni, hogy az
ilyen szervezeteknel odafigyelnek-e a munkatarsak psziches jellemzoire.
Magyarul az erdekel, miert engedik meg, hogy egyes munkatarsaik az
embergyuloletuket eljek ki, ellensegkent kezelve egy-egy gazdat. Az, aki
minosithetetlen hangnemben tesz megjegyzeseket arra, aki esetleg
onhibajan kivul kerul olyan helyzetbe, ami nem vet kedvezo fenyt ra, az
nemcsak onmagat, de a mozgalmat is lejaratja. Nincs egy etikai kodex?
Minden megengedett?
Bocs a kirohanasert, de besokalltam az elso mondatomban emlitettek
+ - | meadows-rovat (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
"Dear Prof. Meadows, please tell us about the frogs."
That was the complete message that bounced in to me from cyberspace. I stared
at it and sighed. I don't want to tell about the frogs. I don't even want to
think about the frogs. The story is so complex and uncertain and sad.
But, you know, there may be no more important story unfolding in the world
today, important not only for the frogs, but also for us. So I guess I'd
better try to tell about the frogs.
Around 1990 herpetologists (people who study reptiles and amphibians) began
noticing an alarming drop in frog and toad populations. Some of the decreases
were sudden, some had been going on for decades. Some species seemed all
right, others were decimated. There was no obvious geographic pattern; frogs
were failing in wilderness and farmlands, in mountains and valleys, in just
about every part of the world.
In Yosemite National Park seven kinds of amphibians are declining and three are
gone. In the cloud forest of Monteverde, Costa Rica, the beautiful golden toad
has disappeared. According to "Froglog," published by the World Conservation
Union, 25 percent of all known amphibians are endangered, vulnerable, or
extinct. The Nature Conservancy says 38 percent of amphibians in the United
States are endangered.
The herpetologists are baffled.
It's not that there is no plausible explanation, but that there are so many.
Though they have thrived on earth for millions of years, frogs are especially
vulnerable to environmental disruption. As tadpoles they live in water and eat
plants; as adults they live on land and eat insects. Their eggs have no
protective shells. Their skins are thin and wet and permeable. They are eaten
by fish and birds and people. (The French eat 4000 tons of frog legs a year.)
Each frog lives in a small, specialized habitat, but those habitats occur all
over the planet. So frogs are incredible environmental sensors. Their decline
should be a canary-in-coal-mine sort of wake-up call.
Why are they declining? Habitat destruction is the most obvious cause. The
U.S. has drained or filled half of its wetlands. Watery places that remain are
likely to be polluted. Frog eggs, tadpoles, and adults are sensitive to many
pollutants, especially acid rain and pesticides. Spraying for insects not only
poisons frogs directly, it also wipes out their food supply. Some frogs are
outcompeted by foreign species introduced by humans. Clearcutting opens shady
habitat to the sun. Furthermore, the depleted ozone layer lets in ultraviolet
light that damages the DNA in frog eggs and prevents them from hatching.
Fungal or bacterial infections have been blamed for frog declines, but the
infectious agents have always been around, so some scientists think recent
epidemics may be a symptom of immune system weakening from other causes.
Others think frog diseases could be spreading from aquaculture ponds.
In short, they don't know. It could be that all the above causes are damaging
frogs, which is why the pattern is so hard to figure out.
It is also unclear how frog disappearances are related to frog deformities. In
1995 schoolchildren in Henderson, Minnesota, were catching frogs in a farm
pond. They noticed that most of the frogs had extra legs, missing legs,
misplaced eyes. The kids publicized their finding, along with pictures of
gross-looking frogs. That caused other kids in Vermont and elsewhere to go out
and find malformed frogs, lots of them.
There seems to be dawning clarity about the malformations. A Canadian
researcher has just reported that along the St. Lawrence valley fewer than two
percent of frogs in ponds far from any pesticide use have deformities. Frogs
from ponds near heavy pesticide use show at least 20 percent defects, and in
one pond 100 percent.
Researchers in Switzerland have exposed developing frog eggs to the pesticide
triphenyltin and produced deformities similar to some seen in the field.
The Scripps Research Institute has shown that S-methoprene, a popular
ingredient in mosquito sprays and flea powders, breaks down into retinoids,
which are known to cause birth defects not only in frogs but in humans. It is
logical that this insecticide messes up the development of embryos; the way it
kills insects is that it interrupts their pupation.
Australia has banned use of the weedkiller Roundup (glyphosate) around ponds
and streams because of its effect on tadpoles and frogs. The problem seems to
be not the glyphosate itself, but an "inert ingredient" added to make the
herbicide stick better to leaves.
What does seem clear amidst the uncertainty is that when we humans spray
poisons and send waste out through pipes and bulldoze land around, we push into
the homes and food supplies of other creatures.
I could point out how scary that is, because what poisons other creatures can
also poison us.
I could point out how stupid that is, because those creatures are economically
valuable. Frogs eat insects, toads eat slugs in my garden, amphibians feed
fish and birds and mammals, they are the source of some remarkable chemicals,
including painkillers and antibiotics.
But what I mainly feel is how sad that is, the thought of not having these
humble, damp, jumpy animals as companions in the world. Not having bullfrogs
for my dog to scare up and send plopping into the pond. Not looking forward
through the long New England winter to the sound of the peepers on the first
warm night of spring.
That's why I'd rather not tell about, not think about the frogs. But thanks
for asking.
(Donella H. Meadows is an adjunct professor of environmental studies at
Dartmouth College.)
+ - | Re: napenergia (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
>Egy otlet nagyon megfogott : Mivel falun elek eleg sokat kell locsolni a
>kertben, es a viz kiemelesere nagyon alkalmas lenne egy kis napelem, ugy
>30-50 W allandoan nyomna egy magas tartajba. Onnan mehet a csepegteto
>Mi a velemenyetek ? menyibe kerulne egy ilyen beruhazas ?
Valoszinuleg jobban jarsz a szelkerekkel es egyszeru
membarnszivattyuval. A kornyekunkon tobb ilyen is mukodik.
Nagy Agoston
+ - | mucsotany (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Szia Fidusz,
>Persze, a Metro jobb mint a mucsotany (gy.k.: auto), de itt nem errol
>van szo - legalabbis szerintunk. Azt a rohadt sok penzt ugy is el
>lehetne kolteni, hogy a varos tomegkozlekedese erezhetoen javuljon...
>Bar allitolag vasarnap hazank bolcs miniszterelnoke aztat nyilatkozta,
>hogy O azert ellenzi a metrot, mert autpalyakat (!) akar inkabb...
Egy biztos: lehet vitatkozni arrol, hogy vajon mennyire jo befektetes a
metro (ugyibar nem fekete-feher a vilag)... megis a vita SZ nem a
tenyeken megy.
Ha tudunk vitatkozni rajta legalabb meg 3 evet, akkor kesz egy ujabb
valasztasi igeret.
Masik - a kaosz nem segiti a "tomeget" - legalabbis szervezettsegben =>
a vegen mindenki autoval fog jarni... (akkor is, ha lehetetlenne tesz
ezzel mindenkit).
Brrrr.... bocs, de kicsit so neha a politikai vonzat nekem :(
+ - | Bos-Nagymaros... (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Szuksegem lenne forrasra, lelohelyre, esetleg osszefoglalo anyagra
Bos-Nagymaros temaban. A tortenesek menete, ki, mikor, mit?
A lanyomnak kellene egy dolgozat elkeszitesehez. Kornyezetvedelmi
technikus lesz belole a nyarra, ha igaz.
Sokszor volt mar itt is szo errol a szep nagy problemakorrol, de most
valami gyorsan attekintheto es egyszeruen elerheto osszefoglalot
keresek, mert szoros a hatarido.
Ja: a politikai csatarozasok nem erdekelnek. Mert sajna ebben az
ugyben sokkal tobb az ilyen vita, mint a tenyleges kornyezetvedelmi
erv, ami meg is all a laban.
Koszonom SaGa
+ - | Viktor (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
<Bar allitolag vasarnap hazank bolcs miniszterelnoke aztat nyilatkozta,
<O azert ellenzi a metrot, mert autpalyakat (!) akar inkabb... -
<ezt valaki???
<Udv: Fidusz
Eleg erdekes felvetes.
Ambar de szep is lenne, ha ez lenne a legnagyobb suletlenseg amit
mondott vala. (...)
+ - | Bocs Fordito 62. tartalma (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
B O C S F o r d i t o http://BOCS.HU
= = = = = = = = = = = =
- - - 62. szam - - - (III. evf. 1998 dec. 9.)
Ujdonsagok a http://BOCS.hu weblapunkon: Csinaltunk egy "Donella Meadows
magyarul" lapot, ahova osszegyujtottuk (foleg a Gaia Sajtoszemlebol) az
altalunk ismert osszes magyarra forditott irasat (es persze link vezet
irasainak angol gyujtemenyere). Orommel fogadunk altalunk meg fol nem
fedezett Dana-forditasokat.
A 62. BocsFordito (47 ezer leutes) tartalma
E szamunk egy - a mai vilag penzpiaci- es szegenyseg-helyzeteben igen
aktualis - nagy tanulmanyt tesz ismertebbe.
1. Jurgen Kegler: A kamat tiltasa a zsido Bibliaban (Elszegenyedesi
folyamatok es ellenstrategiak Izrael torteneteben)
2. Egyuttmukodes-jatekok: Terdre!
3. Kornyezeti neveles: Egy kozos cel. A kornyezetvedelmi oktatas es az
iskolai tanterv
4. WWW: Green Horizon (Kelet-kozep Europa kornyezeti hirei ketheti,
ingyenes e-mail hirlevelben), rendelheto a cimen.
5. Energia, atomtechnilogia targykorben megjelent idegennyelvu konyvek: Az
energiabiztonsag globalis osszefuggesekben. Energiapolitikai strategiak.
Szolaris halok (Egy klimabarat hogazdalkodas uj lehetosegei). Alacsony
energiaju hazak (Megujulo epitesi modok es szabvanyok). Termikus
szolarberendezesek (Piacszemle, vezerfonal a vasarlashoz). A hagyomanyos
epiteszettol az alacsony energiaju hazakig (Energiatechnikai
epuletszanalas a gyakorlatban). Atomhulladek - a halalos orokseg. ...es
masutt sem! (Az Anti-atomenergia mozgalom tortenete.)
6. Humor: Hasznalati utasitasok fogyasztoi javak csomagolasain (2.)
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ures levellel az cimre, melynek targya: subscribe grazroots.hun
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