1. |
Re: Old fashion Hungarian (mind) |
12 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Admiral on Horseback (mind) |
12 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
No subject (mind) |
6 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Went down in flames (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: Went down in flames (mind) |
14 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
info on expo (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Amb. Nathon's lecture postponed at the Hungarian House (mind) |
27 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Re: Went down in flames (mind) |
8 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
Re: Metro (mind) |
20 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
online orszaghaz (mind) |
55 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
online orszaghaz (mind) |
55 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: Old fashion Hungarian (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
>...the way Tibor Benke described his Hungarian as old-fashioned was
>not really accurate. I would say that if someone appeared from the
>1860s and began to talk, we would consider his language
Now you are describing my Hungarian when I arrived at Columbia
University in the early 1970s. I was considered a "living fossil". I
was taught Hungarian by my grandparents who immigrated to the U.S. in
1894! I've done my best to "modernize" it and am told it's quite good.
But keeping up with slang is a challenge.
+ - | Admiral on Horseback (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Readers of the Discussion Group may be interested in the new book by the
American historian, Thomas Sakmyster
Hungary's Admiral on Horseback
Miklos Horthy, 1918-1944
Columbia University Press, 1994.
The book is well documented and gives a balanced picture of this
historical figure.
+ - | No subject (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Does anyone have an address for the zwack company in budapest? I am interested
in writing to them to possibly acquire a copy of their financial statements.
+ - | Went down in flames (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Greg quoting me,
>: They fell on their faces. [He is actually using a
>: slang word "lee1gni" which is difficult to translate.]
>"went down in flames"?
Wonderful! You should help out Mr. Orszagh, who couldn't come up with
anything decent.
Eva Balogh
+ - | Re: Went down in flames (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On Fri, 3 Feb 1995 wrote:
>>"went down in flames"?
> Wonderful! You should help out Mr. Orszagh, who couldn't come up with
> anything decent.
Wouldn't embarrass work?
Norbert Ja'nos Udvardy Walter | "Repetition does not transform a lie
Fort Worth, Texas, USA | into a truth."
Internet: |
FidoNet: 1:130/911.6212 | -- Franklin D. Roosevelt
+ - | info on expo (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I'm looking for email addresses, PO addresses or leads to anyone who can
give me information on employment opportunities (any capacity) at the
forthcoming world's fair in Hungary. The information is for another party
who was born in Hungary (and still has family there), is an American
resident and Canadian citizen. She has plenty of sales experience and an
outgoing, vivacious personality.
Thanks in advance.
Garry Forbes
+ - | Amb. Nathon's lecture postponed at the Hungarian House (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Text item: Text_1
Hungary's UN Ambassador Dr. Istvan Nathon's lecture, originally
scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday, February 4, is postponed due to the
snowstorm forecast for the New York City metropolitan area.
The new date for Dr. Nathon's lecture is Saturday, March 11 at 5 PM.
I sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused you.
Magyarorszag ENSz Nagykovete, Dr. Nathon Istvan eloadasa, amely
eredetileg holnapra, februar 4.-re, szombatra volt tervezve, el van
halasztva a New York kornyekere bejosolt hoviharra valo tekintettel.
Dr. Nathon elodasa Szombaton, Marcius 11 du. 5-orai kezdettel lesz
Barmi kenyelmetlensegert bocsanot kerunk kedves tamogatoinktol.
Charles Mikecz Vamossy
Hungarian House
213 East 82nd Street
New York, N.Y. 10028
212 249-9360
+ - | Re: Went down in flames (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Norb the Hungarian wrote:
: Wouldn't embarrass work?
For a slang term?
+ - | Re: Metro (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
>Date: Thu, 2 Feb 1995 16:55:16 -0500
>Reply-To: Hungarian Discussion List >
>Sender: Hungarian Discussion List >
>From: Phil Dietrich >
>Subject: Metro
>To: Multiple recipients of list HUNGARY >
>X-Charset: ASCII
>X-Char-Esc: 29
>Does anyone know if the red line will be extended to the Moriszigmond
>Korter in Buda?
Several months ago, I read an article in the Nepszabadsag which indicated
that there were plans for a new metro (green?) that would extend from
Bosnyak ter to Etele ter. (sorry about the absence of long vowel marks...)
There would, of course, be a stop at Moricz Zigmond Korter. There were also
planned links with the red metro at Keleti and the blue at Kalvin ter.
+ - | online orszaghaz (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
=3D-=3D-=3DELECTRONIC JOURNAL HU ISSN 1216-0229 =3D-=3D-=3D-=3D copyright =
Jelentes a Hazbizottsag donteseirol...
A Hazbizotttsagi munkaterv megvitatasa finom jelzes a kormany
fele, hogy milyen utemben es mennyisegben tudja fogadni az
Orszaggyules a torvenyeket - kezdte taekoztatojat Korodi Maria
alelnok asszony. =20
Az MDF kulugyi vitanapra tett javaslata nem fert be az eredeti
munkattervbe, ezert erre -az alapszerzodesek ugyenek fontossagat
elismerve- egy kulon szerdai napot biztositanak majd.
Az EU integracios Bizottsag tagjainak szamat emelni kell, mert a
munkat csak ugy folytathatjak. Ez azonban jelentos koltsegkihatassal
jar, ezert a bevezetesre csak fokozatosan kerulhet sor.
A keddi munkanap ezentul egy oraval korabban, helyi ido szerint 9
oratol kezdik, mert a TV kozvetitesekre csak delelott kerulhet sor.=20
Sok kepviselo viszont fontosnak tartja, hogy a sulyponti kerdesek meg
a delelotti ciklusban kerulhessenek a haz ele.=20
Hetfon a Parlament a Belorusz kuldottseget fogadja.
A kiutazasok programjabol : februar 6-an a NYEU, Nyugateuropai
Allamok Uniojanak Politikai Bizottsaganak ulesen vesz reszt a T.haz
kuldottsege. februar 8-16 kozott a Horvat Parlamentbe latogat egy
A Haz munkajanak ertekelesere iranyulo kerdesunkre az alabbi
tajekoztatast kaptuk.
Konkretabb, gyorsabb, rugalmasabb lett a Hazbizottsag Munkaja, ezt a
partok, is elismerik, "meg maga Torgyan Jozsef is elismeroen
nyilatkozott errol" mondta Korodi Maria alelnok asszony.=20
Majusban a NATO orszagok es megfigyelok reszvetelevel a
tortenelemben eloszor "hazonkivuli ulesre" kerul sor, melynek
szintere Budapest.
A masik a kornyezo orszagok magyar kisebbsegi szerveinek meghivasa.
Egyedulallo es fontos a deli szunetben tartott sajtotajekoztatok
ORCZAN Csaba Sandor
Tozsdei collumna:
Parlamenti tudositasok magyarul:
in english :
*** Subscript MET-PARL adress: ***
Free service, but all contributions are welcome. /Dijmentes kiadvany,
de koszonettel fogadjuk a tamogatast=20
Publisher/Kiado:IB000EA5 AT HUEARN
ORCZAN, Zsolt L. e-mail.:
Editor in-Chief /Foszerkeszt=93:
ORCZAN, Csaba Sandor e-mail.: =20
Correspond/Levelezesi rovat: e-mail.: =20
MET_________Hungarian Electronic Stock &Commodity Exchange________MET
+ - | online orszaghaz (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
=3D-=3D-=3DELECTRONIC JOURNAL HU ISSN 1216-0229 =3D-=3D-=3D-=3D copyright =
Jelentes a Hazbizottsag donteseirol...
A Hazbizotttsagi munkaterv megvitatasa finom jelzes a kormany
fele, hogy milyen utemben es mennyisegben tudja fogadni az
Orszaggyules a torvenyeket - kezdte taekoztatojat Korodi Maria
alelnok asszony. =20
Az MDF kulugyi vitanapra tett javaslata nem fert be az eredeti
munkattervbe, ezert erre -az alapszerzodesek ugyenek fontossagat
elismerve- egy kulon szerdai napot biztositanak majd.
Az EU integracios Bizottsag tagjainak szamat emelni kell, mert a
munkat csak ugy folytathatjak. Ez azonban jelentos koltsegkihatassal
jar, ezert a bevezetesre csak fokozatosan kerulhet sor.
A keddi munkanap ezentul egy oraval korabban, helyi ido szerint 9
oratol kezdik, mert a TV kozvetitesekre csak delelott kerulhet sor.=20
Sok kepviselo viszont fontosnak tartja, hogy a sulyponti kerdesek meg
a delelotti ciklusban kerulhessenek a haz ele.=20
Hetfon a Parlament a Belorusz kuldottseget fogadja.
A kiutazasok programjabol : februar 6-an a NYEU, Nyugateuropai
Allamok Uniojanak Politikai Bizottsaganak ulesen vesz reszt a T.haz
kuldottsege. februar 8-16 kozott a Horvat Parlamentbe latogat egy
A Haz munkajanak ertekelesere iranyulo kerdesunkre az alabbi
tajekoztatast kaptuk.
Konkretabb, gyorsabb, rugalmasabb lett a Hazbizottsag Munkaja, ezt a
partok, is elismerik, "meg maga Torgyan Jozsef is elismeroen
nyilatkozott errol" mondta Korodi Maria alelnok asszony.=20
Majusban a NATO orszagok es megfigyelok reszvetelevel a
tortenelemben eloszor "hazonkivuli ulesre" kerul sor, melynek
szintere Budapest.
A masik a kornyezo orszagok magyar kisebbsegi szerveinek meghivasa.
Egyedulallo es fontos a deli szunetben tartott sajtotajekoztatok
ORCZAN Csaba Sandor
Tozsdei collumna:
Parlamenti tudositasok magyarul:
in english :
*** Subscript MET-PARL adress: ***
Free service, but all contributions are welcome. /Dijmentes kiadvany,
de koszonettel fogadjuk a tamogatast=20
Publisher/Kiado:IB000EA5 AT HUEARN
ORCZAN, Zsolt L. e-mail.:
Editor in-Chief /Foszerkeszt=93:
ORCZAN, Csaba Sandor e-mail.: =20
Correspond/Levelezesi rovat: e-mail.: =20
MET_________Hungarian Electronic Stock &Commodity Exchange________MET