1. |
Re: Jeno Dsida, poet (mind) |
12 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
New York, NY - Talk by Congressman GILMAN 06/10/95 (mind) |
32 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Any Unixlers in Heviz, Hungaria ? (mind) |
21 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Re: Proba (mind) |
9 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: Origin and meaning of the name Toth (mind) |
29 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Re: Countess Elizabeth Bathory (mind) |
14 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Melyik keruletben van? (mind) |
9 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Washington, DC - Carillon concert 06/12/95 MON (mind) |
29 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
A szeg miatt... (mind) |
21 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: Jeno Dsida, poet (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On 9 Jun 1995, 02 wrote:
> (Michael Dsida) writes:
> >I recently stumbled across the name of a Hungarian poet, Jeno Dsida,
> >with the same last name as me. I know nothing about my Hungarian
> The correct spelling is Jeno" Dzsida.
I'm pretty sure it is actually Dsida - despite the (archaic) common
noun being spelled dzsida.
Zoli (note my old full address @bcuxs2 is retired)
"For my assured failures and derelictions, I ask pardon beforehand of my
betters and my equals in my calling." - Rudyard Kipling
+ - | New York, NY - Talk by Congressman GILMAN 06/10/95 (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
From the <a href="news:bit.listserv.hungary"> bit.listserv.hungary </a>
group, posted by <a href="mailto: "> Charles Vamossy </a>
The Hungarian House and
the Hungarian Human Rights Foundation
announce the continuation of the English language lecture series on
Saturday, June 10, 1995 at 6 PM,
HUNGARY 2000 -- the view from Washington
Congressman Benjamin A. Gilman
Chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives
International Relations Committee
Our guest lecturer is uniquely equipped to speak of the U.S. relationship
with Hungary, the Hungarian minorities and Central Europe. He is a 22 -
year veteran of the United States Congress from the 20th Congressional
District of New York; he has visited Hungary and the region several times
and he takes a deep interest in its peoples, its problems and aspiration.
Contributions to the Hungarian House: $15 ($10 seniors/students)
Hungarian-American list, mailto:
WWW, http://www.glue.umd.edu/~gotthard
+ - | Any Unixlers in Heviz, Hungaria ? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
are you a Unixer or Linuxer near Heviz at the Balaton ?
I am going for vacations there from June 16 until July 7 or so.
Maybe we could drink a beer together and hack a little bit.
3 Weeks without computer are hard otherwise.
Please reply by email until thursday,June 15.
Otherwise: I am living at Park-Utca 24 in these 3 weeks.
Hope to meet you
bigcomm-linux-box: free linux-files at first call. Logins:uucp:nuucp,bbs:guest
nslip: nslip, your IP=,nppp: nppp,IP=,my ip: Data : +49 211 3985258 request ~/filelist/allfiles.gz
+ - | Re: Proba (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
George Nolte ) wrote:
: Latja ezt valaki, aki nem magyarorszagi szervert hasznal?
: George
Latom Sydney Ausztraliabol.
+ - | Re: Origin and meaning of the name Toth (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, Joseph Toth
c.nasa.gov> says:
>Hogy van?
>I am sorry, but that is about all of my Hungarian expertise.
>I would appreciate any information on the origin and meaning of the
>name Toth (Tóth).
Dear Joe Toth,
I answer you here partly because other people of Hungarian origin
might wonder about this last name. It is fairly common. It simply
means "Slovak" in Hungarian. The "h" is usually added to the name
to signify that it's a name and not merely the word "tot" (meaning
Slovak). There are many last names in Hungarian that double as
the names of nationalities (including "Magyar," by the way) and
some of them get the decorative, if you will, "h" added to the "t"
(Nemeth, for example [meaning "German," by the way]. Horvath is
also a popular Hungarian name ("horvat" = Croat) as is Szerb (for
which no translation is needed). I hope this information is useful
to you and to other people of Hungarian ancestry who might have
any of these rather popular Hungarian names . . .
With best wishes,
Steven C. Scheer
+ - | Re: Countess Elizabeth Bathory (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Denise noe ) wrote:
: Has there been any fairly recent work on Elizabeth Bathory? Specifically,
: was the blood-drinking/bathing apocryphal? Were the murders motivated by
: simple sadism--or what?
: Can anyone direct me to any scholarship?
I read that 'professional judge' wrote a book about Bathory.
She told that Bathory was not guilty, etc.
I read only a few words about this book in a journal
and it was strange to me.
But maybe someone of you can read.
Szadeczky - Kardoss, I. - Bathory Erzsebet igazsaga, Budapest 1993,
303 pages.
+ - | Melyik keruletben van? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Van egy kerdesem!
Budapesten a MAV korhaz a Thokoly uton van.
Az melyik keruletben van?
Elore koszonom a valaszt.
Istvan Mihaly
+ - | Washington, DC - Carillon concert 06/12/95 MON (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
* 7:00 PM 06/12/95 MONDAY CONCERT
Carillon Concert by Szilvia Ka'ra'szy (Budapest, Hungary)
Monday, June 12th, 1995 at 7pm
Wagner-Liszt Festive March to the Holy Graal piano
Liszt Fune'railles piano
Mozart Die Zauberflote , experts carillon and synthetizer
Chopin Mazurkas and Etudes carillon and synthetizer
Ka'ra'szy Phantasy for Carillon, Piano,
Synthetic Voices, Kutu Vapa and
The event is sponsored by the Embassy of Hungary and
Transbridge, Inc. New York, NY
Embassy of the Republic of Hungary.
2950 Spring of Freedom Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.
R.S.V.P. (202)-362-6730 Acceptances only !
Hungarian-American list, mailto:
WWW, http://www.glue.umd.edu/~gotthard
+ - | A szeg miatt... (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Tudja valaki, hogy honnan valo ez a versike?
A szeg miatt a patko elveszett,
A patko miatt a lo elveszett,
A lo miatt a lovas elveszett,
A lovas miatt az orszag elveszett,
Verd be maskor jol a patkoszeget!
Hogy van ez angolul? Az elso nehany szora emlekszem:
For want of a nail...
Miklos Prisznyak (KFKI RMKI Theor. Dep. Budapest, Hungary H-1525 P.O.B 49)
<A HREF="http://sgi30.rmki.kfki.hu/~prisz/prisz.html">My Personal WEB Page </A>