Az ANTRO-L listan jott az alabbi hirdetes, tan erdekel valakit:
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Newsgroups: bit.listserv.anthro-l
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 1995 08:05:45 -0400
Reply-To: Patricia Clay >
Sender: General Anthropology Bulletin Board >
From: Patricia Clay >
To: Multiple recipients of list ANTHRO-L >
Status: U
I found this on DEVEL-L and thought it of interest to this list.
Trish Clay
Forwarded message:
> Date: Fri, 18 Aug 1995 20:45:37 -0400
> Reply-To:
> From:
> To: Multiple recipients of list DEVEL-L >
> Healthy Soil, Healthy Food, Healthy People
> Rodale Institute
> 611 Siegfriedale Rd., Kutztown, PA 19530
> Tel: (610) 683-1400 Fax: (610) 683-8548
> ____________________________________
> Socioeconomic Director
> Rodale Institute (RI), located in Kutztown, Pennsylvania, seeks an
> individual to fill the position of Socioeconomic Director of Global
> Programs (SDGP). The SDGP will work within a three-person management
> unit to:
> * ensure that social and economic issues are adequately addressed in
> RI's global programs, especially issues related to gender and
> community development;
> * oversee the monitoring and evaluation of program results and
> impacts;
> * develop existing and new program initiatives and seek
> opportunities to sustain these initiatives;
> * represent RI in the public sphere as needed.
> Rodale Institute's mission is to work with people worldwide to
> achieve a regenerative food system that renews environmental and
> human health. The Institute's current activities are based upon a
> model called the Regenerative Agriculture Resource Center (RARC) that
> integrates applied research, education, and communication activities.
> Current RARC projects are implemented in the United States, Senegal,
> Guatemala, and Russia. The position is available in October, 1995.
> The ideal candidate will possess:
> * an advanced degree, preferably a doctorate or equivalent, in a
> social science (includes anthropology, sociology, economics,
> political science, education, etc.);
> * fluency in a language/s other than English, preferably Spanish and
> ideally French as well;
> * administrative experience in the publicor pivate sector;
> * supervisory experience in the workplace;
> * expece in monitoring and evaluation;
> * knowledge of and working experience with issues related to natural
> resource management, both in the United States and overseas;
> * demonstrated ability to communicate with administrators,
> researchers, lay people, farmers, and everyone else;
> * demonstrated capability in successfully attracting financial
> resources for programmatic purposes;
> * exceptional writing and public speaking skills;
> * ability to travel outside the U.S. for periods of at least two
> week duration, at least four times per year;
> * knowledge and familiarity with computers and electronic
> communication.
> * legal resident status in the U.S. (this is a U.S.-based position);
> Please send a brief cover letter and curriculum vitae by September
> 16, 1995 via postal or electronic mail to:
> Jonathon Landeck
> Director, Global Programs
> Rodale Institute
> 611 Siegfriedale Road
> Kutztown, PA 19530
> email:
> tel: (610) 683-1475
Laborfalvi Benke Tibor Tibor Benke
6198 Kathleen Avenue, apt. 117 Graduate Student (MA program)
Burnaby, B.C., Canada Department of Sociology
(604) 434-0822 and Anthropology
Simon Fraser University